macroland Macroland

Choose a Category


Blackboard page
Changes the background color of the page to black, sets all font to white, and optionally removes date/time under title
Set Page Background Color
Pick a color to set the page background
Sublime Theme
Makes the background color of the page dark gray and converts existing text to white. Based on the Sublime text editor. Note: Does not force the Automatic Font to White. Pending fix.
Black Theme
Makes the background color of all the pages in a Section Black and converts existing text to white
Make the background color of the green, more color than default apple color
Make the background color of the page Teal, higher satuartion and more color than default teal
GrayBlack Theme
Changes the background color of all the pages in a section to GRAY and converts existing text to BLACK.
Make the background color of the page #E5E4E2 (RGB: 229, 228, 226 - HSL: 0.11, 0.05, 0.89)
Makes background Yellow, brighter than default Lemon color
White Theme
To reset theme to defaults which is white background with black font colour, this macro is very useful if you are unable to undo changes of custom theme such as black theme, etc
Make the background color of the page purple, fuller color than default purple
BG: Blue
Highlights a text blue.
Sublime Theme with // Comments
Makes the background color of the page dark gray and converts existing text to white. Based on the Sublime text editor. This version also recolors bulleted and numbered lists, and converts lines starting with // to light green.
Set Page to Staedtler Engineer
Set the Page to emulate Staedtler engineering computation pad ala TOPS TOP35502
BG: transparent
Highlights a text transparent.
Change single page into black theme
Change single page into White theme
All section page background to Apple
Changes the backgound color of all pages in current section to "Apple".
Dark grey background with green font
Give a single page dark grey background and change the fonts to green
Rosa Cor de pele
Define o Background da página como rosa cor de pele.


Insert Monthly Calendar
Inserts a calendar of the selected month and year
Weekly Planner
Inserts page with a section for each day in the current week
Monthly Calendar With Task List
Creates a monthly calendar with task list for each day
Daily Planner Page
Planner with Task List and a Daily Notes page. This can create a single page with for the selected day or a number of pages for each day in the selected range.
Weekly Planner for each day with Done&TODO
Inserts page with a section for each day in the current week with Done, Problem and TODO.
Insert Yearly Calendar
Inserts a calendar of the selected year
Planner for each day with Done&TODO_withISO_date
Inserts one page for each day in 4 weeks(by default) with Done, Problem and TODO. It can also insert one page per week.
Team Activity Tracker
We use OneNote as an activity tracker for my small team of IT Support techs. Each day has its own page, with a table for tracking our work. Each month is its own section, and each year is a section group. This Macro allows me to create an entire year's worth of blank pages in about 5 minutes. I know there's more that could be done to improve it, but I havent the time. Feel free to use or edit this in any way that suits you. Thanks to Omer for a fantastic product, and great support!
Show Month
This macro will insert a month calendar for the specified month. The events are the titles of pages form one or two sections in the same notebook, based on the creation time for the page. A page whose title has a tag will show the tag instead of the time. Each calendar event links to the relevant page.
Daily Eisenhower Matrix Eisenhower Matrix Daily Tasks Agenda Calendar
One page per day with Eisenhower Matrix Task List on each page
Make Blank Annual Journal
Select any year between 2013 and 2028 and this macro wil create a Journal for you. Each month is a section, and each month has a page per day, There is also a calendar tab that you can use the "Insert Calendar" macro to fill (I may later extend the macro to do that automatically, and also remove the New Section that is created when you open a new notebook). Future years extensions are a matter of adding a handful of new statements in the macro, but everything in OneNote may have changed by then, so I'll defer that one for now.
Simple 365 days
create 365 pages Month = Section
Insert Yearly Calendar 3 x 4
Inserts a yearly calender, 3 months per row x 4 rows. Based on "Insert Monthly Calendar" by Omer Atay.
Insérer un Calendrier Mensuel
Insérer un calendrier du mois et de l'année choisis
Rename Current Section
Renames the current OneNote section per DialogBox user input. // Get the current section $Section = GetCurrentSection() // Create a dialog box $DialogBox = DialogBox_Create("Rename Section", "Set the new section name:") // Add a text box to the dialog box DialogBox_AddTextBox($DialogBox, "New Section Name:", "txtSectionName", "", true) // Show the dialog box DialogBox_Show($DialogBox) // Get the value entered by the user $NewName = $DialogBox.controls["txtSectionName"] // Rename the section $ = $NewName --code generated using Microsoft Copilot, slight human editing by Michael Steger


Set Section Color
Sets Section Color to selected color
Set Notebook Color
Pick a color to set the current notebook color
Color Sections by Section
Color all Sections in current SectionGroup by the current Section color
Color (Select Scope)
Color in the current section group, notebook or all notebooks, based on the current section.
Rainbow your notebooks and sections
This macro will color all your notebooks and sections as a rainbow. Feel free to enter the macro and modify the color array (also the if statements)
Set All Pages In Section Color
Sets All Pages in selected Section color
Super Color
You can change all colors Onenote, it is recommended with Snipaste practical, / 可以改Onenote所有颜色,建议搭配Snipaste使用,<Made in China>.
Change Text Color
Change color of all instances of text within the given scope that match the given inputs. Required Inputs: hex code of desired color, Scope, Case sensitivity Optional Inputs: Text to Color, Target Font Name, Target Font Size, Various filters NOTE: Either Text to Color or Target Font Size must be provided, both may also be provided for additional specificity.
Yellow Text Background
Highlights a text to yellow.
Set Text Color
Changes text color to a three-pair RGB hexadecimal value where each pair is a 2 digit value between 00 (off) to FF (full intensity). For example, to change text to full intensity RGB red, one would enter FF0000. For full intensity green, one would enter 00FF00. For blue, one would enter 0000FF. Any RGB combinaison is thus possible.
FG: White
Colors a text in white.
2. Red Toggle
Changes selected text font to
3. Blue Toggle
Changes selected text font to
1. Black Toggle
Changes selected text font to
Green Text
Sets font color to green
Samy --> 9.toggle HL yellow
Changes selected text font to
Samy --> 8.toggle HL aqua
Changes selected text font to
Samy --> 7.toggle HL purple
Changes selected text font to
Samy --> 6.toggle HL grey
Changes selected text font to
Samy --> 5.toggle HL Off
Changes selected text font to
Set Highlight Color (random from list or select your own)
Set your text highlight color to random color from a pre-defined list. You can adjust the list by editing the macro. You can select your own color if the random highlight color doesn't suit your need.
Set Font Color (random from list or select your own)
Set your text font color to random color from a pre-defined list. You can adjust the list by editing the macro. You can select your own color if the random color doesn't suit your need. The macro is set to automatically make your text bold, you can disable it from the macro code.
Changes text font to BLACK


Create Task Cards
Create tasks cards on the page
Monthly Planner Pages
Creates a Monthly Planner page for each day of a month or for each month of the year
Clean Hyperlinks
Removes all friendly hyperlinks in the current page
Clean Authors
Cleans author information from the current page
Add Comment
Add comments to selected text. The selected text is highlighted with a color picked from a built-in pallette. Comments are put into their own section on the right of the commented text and marked with the same highlight color.
Set Page Font
Sets the whole page to 1 specific font.
Daily Manager Log
Creates a Daily Manager Log page for each day in the whole year or a month
Remove Paragraph and Line Breaks
Removes paragraph breaks and line breaks on selected paragraphs and merges them into a single paragraph
Add icon to page title
Adds an icon (emoji) to the front of the title, for easy reference of page type. For example, use "✉" as the first character to easily identify pages created from emails.
Set Proofing Language
Prompt user to set proofing language on selected text.
Select Done Tasks
Select all done tasks on current page for easy deleting (just hit delete key).
Clean Timestamps
Cleans timestamp information from the current page, typically added by Insert Screen Clipping command
New Meeting
Insert a small string of text with an automatic date & author. Ideal to start a new meeting.
Insert FILES
Inserts a text string for clickable hyperlink to a file in filesystem
Reference Pages in this Section
References are added to Pages in this section (case-sensitive)
Text To Web Search Link
Turns selected text into hyperlink. User can find words or phrases on the internet without copy pasting the text to browser. Choises of search engines are Bing and Google. Options are "Web", "Images", and "Videos". Helpful for online research, especially when you have many phrases to look up.
Replace Page Title with Text Selection
Replaces current page title with selection; if no text selected leaves page title unchanged
Remove Empty Lines from Selection
Removes empty lines from Selection (moves them to the bottom)
Reset Container Size
Resets the container size back to automatic after forever losing the auto-width property due to manually resizing the note container.
New Website
Create a predifine structure for current Webpage
Set Container Width manually
Sets the width of all container on the current page to given number of points
Add Footer to All Pages
Adds the given text to the end of all pages in the current section
Insert Space Between Paragraphs
Inserts an empty paragraph between each of the selected paragraphs
HTML Space
Replace the HTML space character "&nbsp" with a space " ". Helpful following use of hyperlink removal macro.
Link to Google
Select text and hyperlink to directly google search page. A child of the macro "Text to Web Search Link". Try "Set a reminder after 5 minutes" type commands too.
Insert Selected Text in a Custom Table
Styles a selected text (adds a highlight color and an important tag) and builds a custom table for the current section group in a new section [Course Overview], on a new page [Recent Feedback]. New rows are added at the top when further text from the same section group is selected.
Set Container Width 618
Sets the container size
Set Image Width
Set image width (and height in proportion as well) and keep the image "sizeSetByUser" property false.
Reformat Quick Paste text and URL into a hyperlink
Select pasted text and link from a web page, then run a macro - the URL will be added as a Hyperlink to the text.
Untag/Select All Completed Tasks
Untag and select all completed checkbox tasks for easy deletion within the page being edited.
Clean Strikethrogh
Remove strikethrough texts in CurrentPage
Duplicate Paragraph
Creates a new paragraph with the same text as the current paragraph
Insert Line Before Headings
Insert a blank line before Heading 1, 2 and 3.
Insert page Title at Cursor
Inserts current page title + " - " at cursor
Insert Post-It
Inserts a post-it to the cursor position
HTML Apostrophe
Replace the HTML apostrophe character (&apos) with an apostrophe (').
Set Section Container Width 618
Sets the container size
Generate Random String
Generates a random string of 10 characters and inserts it to the current page
Reformat Quick Paste text and URL into a hyperlink (text in BOLD)
Select pasted text name (must be bold) and link from YouTube video name and link, then reformat in only one line reduced format
Remove Line Breaks
Removes line breaks on selected text
Inserts text string REVERSE with red background and white font color
Format standard table page images
Recommended for use on a page containing a 2-column table of images. Standardize the width of all images, table columns, and containers on the current page. All images are resized to width of 360 while maintaining aspect ratio. All table columns are resized to width of 50 unless an image in that column prevents it from shrinking lower than 360. All containers are resized to width of 730 unless otherwise restricted.
Select Between First two Heading 1
Selects all content between the first and the second Heading 1 styled paragraphs in the current page
Reformat Quick Paste text and URL into a hyperlink (YT tam18)
Select pasted text (default text size 18) and link from YouTube video name and link, then reformat in only one line reduced format
Convert "LN, FN" to "FN LN" in Meeting Notes
In meeting notes if there are attendees in the format "LastName, FirstName", this macro converts them to "FirstName LastName" format.
Insert page create short format date time at selection, cursor
Insert page create short format date time at selection/cursor (' ddd)
Create Index Page
Creates a new page with a category index at the top where each category is a hyperlink to sections below. Categories are comma delimited lists of strings (i.e "A,B,C,D,E", "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "⭐,⚡,❓", etc.). An index page can serve as a repository for notes that need to be filed by category.
Show E-mail Addresses
Adds e-mail addresses to mailto: links. Can be used to display e-mail addresses on meeting details pages
Horizontal list to vertical list
Converts an horizontally separated list (item1, item2, item3, etc.) to a vertical list (bulleted, to do or table). Horizontal separator is customizable (defaults to ", ", that is a comma and a space) and the first character of each individual item can be forced to uppercase. Table option is ideal when a comma separated list of words must be formatted to some sort of lexicon where the left column contains the items and the right column would contain the definitions as a blank column is automatically added to the right of the column of items.


Insert Long Date
Insert long-format date
Insert Time Stamp
Insert DD Month YYYY
Insert DD Month YYYY
Insert Time Last Modified
Inserts the last modified date/time as MM/DD/YY HH:MMpm for each outline in the current page
Insert Day and Date
Insert DD Day
Insert YYYY-MM-DD. Original macro by alarsen:
Insert Time Stamp ISO
Replace [KW] with current calendar week
Replaces placeholders with pattern [KW] or [KW]+d; (where d is a digit) with the corresponding calendar week (adding the digit behind +)
DateTime Stamp
Add properly formatted DateTime stamp
Insert DD/MM/YY and DayOfWeek
Insert DD/MM/YY DayOfWeek
Insert Short Date Stamp
Insert "YYMMDD - "
Insert Short Month Date
Insert short month format date
Insert Date - ISO 8601 Basic Format at Beginning of Page
Insert "YYYYMMDD - " at title location
Insert Date - ISO 8601 Basic Format
Insert Date - ISO 8601 Extended Format
Insert HH:MM:SS Time Stamp
Set Page Date to Today
Sets the creation date of the current page to current date/time
Insert Time Stamp PEJ v.2
Insert MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM (bold, italic and gap)
Insert Page Created Date in ISO format
Inserts the page created date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)
Insert YYYYMMDD - Long Date as Title
Insert YYYYMMDD - Long Date as Title, eg ... 20210913 - Monday, 13 September 2021 (based on other macros, thanks to Insert ISO yyyymmdd - at the beginning of the page and insert long date macros)
Insert Date Updated
Insert "Updated: at the cursor position.
Insert Formatted Date
Inserts a selected date in the selected format
Insert Time Last Modified (ISO format date and 24h)
For each outline in the current page inserts the last modified date/time as YY-MM-DD (ISO 8061 format) HH:MM in 24 hours format (no "at" or "pm" suffix)
Insert MM/DD/YYYY. Modified by M.A. Abril. Original macro by alarsen:
Insert Time Last Modified (ISO format date)
Inserts the last modified date/time as YY-MM-DD (ISO 8061 format) HH:MMpm for each outline in the current page
Date as page serial number
Insert pg. s/n YYYYMMDDMMSS
Insert Date - Short Month Name
Insert YYYY년MM월DD일W요일
Insert YYYY년 MM월 DD일 W요일


Outlook Email Date Stamp
This macro will change the creation date of each page in the current section with the time the email was sent, allowing them to be sorted by the email date. This has been made specifically for emails sent to OneNote from Outlook.
Outlook FROM SubPager
Creates header pages for each sender, then sorts and sets emails as subpages under the header pages. Running it a second time removes the subpaging, sorts by name, but cannot remove the header pages. These are renamed 0000DeleteMe for easy removal. This tool is for use with emails that were sent to OneNote specifically from Outlook. It may not work with exports/prints from other mail clients. Updated Jan 2017
Add icon to all emails
This macro will change the title of each page in the current section to add an email emoji to the beginning (unless it already has one). This has been made specifically for emails sent to OneNote from Outlook. Great from seeing all emails in a section at a glance.
Date Modifier for Imported Email from Outlook
This macro is essentially a modified version of the "Outlook Email Date Stamp" by Omer Atay and JasonDaSilva. The modification is that the user prompt is in french and the macro works for e-mails in french and german. It should also work for italian but it wasn't tested. As of early 2020, imported e-mails seem to have some information in english (namely the fields such as "sent", "from", and so on) even though the system and program were installed in a different language. Therefore the macro got adapted to handle e-mails with english fields, even though it should have been in another of the available languages. Description of the original macro: "This macro will change the creation date of each page in the current section with the time the email was sent, allowing them to be sorted by the email date. This has been made specifically for emails sent to OneNote from Outlook."
Page and Title modifier for imported Outlook Emails
This macro works for e-mails imported in OneNote from Outlook only. The user prompt is in french. What it does is set the OneNote page date to the one of the e-mail within it. Added to that, it also changes the title of the page by adding the date of the e-mail at the beginning of it and add a few glyphs showing that it's an e-mail, if there are any attachments and finally if the e-mail was sent or received. The macro handles dates in german, french and italian.


Search & Replace
Search and replace text in the current page, section or notebook
Search & Highlight
Search text in the current page, section or notebook and highlight with the selected color
Search Multi-Keywords
Search the paragraphs containing all the multiple keywords within a scope, and create a new page reporting the search results in the current section. Use semicolons (;) to separate the keywords, e.g. keyword1;keyword2;keyword3. There is (theoretically) no limit to the maximum number of keywords. But the speed is optimized for searching three keywords, and it slows down when more than three keywords are used. There are five opinions of scopes available, namely, “Current Page”, “Selection”, “Current Selection”, “Current Notebook”, and “All Notebooks”. It can take a long time, if search in notebook(s). Skip function is available, that is mainly for excluding pages that contain the previous search reports, to avoid duplicating the search results. Skip can take place in all scopes except the “Current Page” opinion. Change the texts as if you desired. It will skip the pages if their names contain the defined string. The report page lists the matched paragraphs and where they are found in.
Show uncompleted to dos
Reveals uncompleted to dos that are hidden by collapsed paragraphs. Useful for hierarchical task management.
Search & Replace in Hyperlinks
Search and replace in hyperlink URLs in the current page, section or notebook
Search & Select
Select search terms in the current page
Search & Tag
Find a search term and create tags in matching paragraphs in the current page, section or notebook
Search & Bold
Bold search terms in the current page
List hyperlinks from search in new page (choose scope)
List hyperlinks from search in new page
Search & Replace in Titles
Search and replace text in titles of pages in selected pages, current section, notebook or all notebooks
Search & Spell Check Off
Turn spell check off for matching text. Useful to programmers to get rid of spell check errors for technical terms you do not want to add to the custom dictionary. Examples of such terms are camel case words used for XML tag, type or function names.
List hyperlinks from search in new page
List hyperlinks from search in new page
Search & Highlight Language
Highlight text with a specified proofing language
Search links & add text to label
Prompts for: scope, text to search in link target, text to add to the label of the links found
Find Table Rows with Search Term
Searches for a term in the current notebook in tables and outputs the found whole table rows into a new page
Search & Replace in Section Names
Search and replace text in section names in the current section group, notebook or all notebooks
Search & Set Font
this function can change the three features(font/color/size) of text you search; and you are able to choose which or all features changed
Search & Replace in Section Group Names
Search and replace text in section group names in the current notebook or all notebooks
Replace SmartQuote
Find & Replace smart quotes from Microsoft word


如果选中部分文本,则只对选中部分进行修改,否则对当前页面所有文本修改。 默认中文设为“宋体”,英文设为“Times New Roman”。如果需要更换其他字体,可以编辑这个 Macro,分别设置 cnFont 和 enFont 为自己想要的字体即可。 ;如果需要统一设置字体大小也可以设置变量 fontSize 的值。 关于 OneNote 设置中英文字体,如需了解更多,请移步 ,欢迎一起讨论。 (PS:大家如果遇到什么问题,或有什么其他需求可以给我留言(请留下联系方式,以便通知您),或直接发邮件到,也可以添加微信 wenmin92)
Increase Font Size
Increases font size of all text on the page by 1
Decrease Font Size
Decreases font size of all text on the page by 1
Changes text font on current page to Microsoft Yahei (for Chinese typing, refers to macro'Font -> Calibri')
Title -> Calibri Light 20
Changes title of each page in the current section to Calibri Light 20 to match OneNote 2013 style
Font -> Calibri
Changes text font on current page to Calibri to match OneNote 2013's style (useful for pasted text)
All Page Font Calibri Size 11
All fonts change to Calibri black size 11, Titles to Font Size 20. 1 page effect
Code Styling
Changes the text style to code (Consolas 11 pt, with a very light blue background)
Changes text font on current page to Microsoft Yahei (for Chinese typing, refers to macro'Font -> Calibri')
Change Font in Selected Scope
Change text and title font and size in the current page, section, section group, notebook or all notebooks.
All Section Font Calibri Light
All fonts change to Calibri Light, Titles to Font Size 20
Title -> Calibri Light 20 (Current page only)
Changes title of current page to Calibri Light 20 to match OneNote 2013 style
Changes selected text font to Consolas size 10
All Section Font Calibri
All fonts change to Calibri, Titles to Font Size 20
Font -> Verdana
Changes the paragraph fonts on the current page to Verdana (helps with readability). Only the font name changes. (Size, bold facing, italics, highlighting and other font options stay the same.)
Selected text --> Calibri 12 Black
Changes selected text font to Calibri size 12 black
All Section Font Calibri Black Size 11
All fonts change to Calibri black size 11 with no highlight color, Titles to Font Size 20
Font -> Courier New 9
Changes selected text font on current page to Courier New and font size 9 to indicate code parts
Code Styling Toggle
Toggle Code Styling (Consolas with light blue background) with Normal (Calibri with no (white highlight))
Changes text font on current page to Microsoft Yahei (for Chinese typing, refers to macro'Font -> Calibri')
All Section Font Calibri Light
All fonts change to Calibri Light, Titles to Font Size 20
Set Entire Section Font to Segoe UI Family
This will change all fonts in the section to the Segoe UI (Windows 10 style) family of fonts. Paragraph font Segoe UI 10, Title font Segoe UI Light 16, Tables font Segoe UI 10. It will not adjust bold or other styles leaving them intact.
Selected text --> Consolas
Changes selected text font to Consolas size 10
Font -> Arial 12
Changes selected text font on current page to Arial and font size 12 to indicate code parts
Convert Paragraph Font to Segoe UI
Standard text on the page will now be Segoe UI 10 and headings will be Segoe UI 14
Font -> 맑은 고딕
Changes text font on current page to Calibri to match OneNote 2013's style (useful for pasted text)
All Section Font Calibri - Titles Calibri Light 20, Texts Calibri 11
All fonts in current section change to Calibri. Titles to Calibri Light, font size 20. Texts to Calibri, font size 11.
Change Font and Proofing Language to fit Chinese Characters
Updated from “分别设置中英文字体”,thanks to @wenmin92
Font -> Times New Roman 12
Changes selected text font on current page to Times New Roman 12pt
Title -> Times New Roman 20
Changes title of each page in the current section to Times New Roman 20
My Page Formatter_可自定义
Title > 黑体 15.5
修改当前页面标题的字体为黑体,字号为 15.5。
Font -> Calibri 11
Changes selected text font on current page to Calibri and font size 11.
All Page Font Meiryo UI Size 10
All fonts change to Meiryo UI black size 10, Titles to Font Size 20. 1 page effect
Font -> Consolas 11pt
Changes font to Consolas with size 11pt on current pages
Font -> Courier New 10
Changes selected text font on current page to Courier New and font size 10 to indicate code parts
Set all Section Titles to Segoe UI 20 with Color
Changes Title of each page in the current section to Segoe UI, Font Size 20, with Color Picker
All Section Font Meiryo UI Size 10
All fonts change to Calibri Light, Titles to Font Size 20 Other Font Size 10
All Section Font Meiryo UI
All fonts change to Meiryo UI, Titles to Font Size 20
Font -> Arial 14
Changes selected text font on current page to Arial and font size 14 to indicate code parts
All Page Font Arial Size 11
All fonts change to Arial size 11, Titles to Font Size 20. 1 page effect
Font -> Arial 16
Changes selected text font on current page to Arial and font size 14 to indicate code parts
All Page Font Calibri Size 16
All fonts change to Calibri black size 16, Titles to Font Size 20. 1 page effect
ALL Page Titles -> Calibri 20
Updates the Titles of ALL Pages in ALL Sections of the Current Notebook to Calibri 20 to match the OneNote 2019 title style.
Changes text font to Consolas-Yahei, A font type combined both Consolas as English and Yahei as Chinese
Samy --> bold
Changes selected text font to
Font -> Microsoft YaHei UI
Changes text font on current page to Calibri to match OneNote 2013's style (useful for pasted text) modified from font-> Calibri
Font -> Arial 10
Changes selected text font on current page to Arial and font size 10 to indicate code parts
Samy --> bold
Changes selected text font to
Section Group Title -> Calibri 20 Bold
Changes title of each page in the current section group to Calibri 20 Bold to match OneNote 2013 style
Title -> Arial Black 20
Title in Arial Black 20
Samy --> 4.toggle bold
Changes selected text font to
Samy --> 2.purple bold
Changes selected text font to
Samy --> 1.Consolas
Changes selected text font to Consolas size 10
All Section Font HelveticaNeue - Titles HelveticaNeueLT Com 65 Md 20, Texts HelveticaNeueLT Com 65 Md 11
All fonts in current section change to Calibri. Titles to Calibri Light, font size 20. Texts to Calibri, font size 11.
All Page Font Calibri Size 14
All fonts change to Calibri black size 14, Titles to Font Size 20. 1 page effect
Set Font 나눔고딕 11
All fonts in current page change to 나눔고딕 size 11
Font -> Calibri Light 48
Changes selected text font on current page to Arial and font size 12 to indicate code parts
Noto Sans TC Medium
Change font to Noto Sans TC Medium
All Font Calibri - Titles Calibri Light 16 - Pages Calibri 11
All fonts in section: Calibri. Titles: Calibri Light size 16. Pages: Calibri size 11.
ALL Page Titles -> Calibri 16
Updates the Titles of ALL Pages in ALL Sections of the Current Notebook to Calibri 16.
ALL Page Titles -> Calibri Light 16
Updates the Titles of ALL Pages in ALL Sections of the Current Notebook to Calibri Light 16.
All Section Font Corbel Light
All fonts change to Corbel Light, Titles to Font Size 20, Dark Grey Text,
All Page Font Arial Size 14
All fonts change to Arial size 14, Titles to Font Size 20. 1 page effect
Set all Section Titles to Calibri 16 with Color
Changes Title of each page in the current section to Calibri, Font Size 16, with Color Picker
Section fonts to Bruneii
All fonts in current section change to Calibri. Titles to Calibri Light, font size 20. Texts to Calibri, font size 11.


Indent Paragraphs
Indents the first line of each paragraph on the current page to make it more readable. It can also remove the indentation if Remove option is selected.
Align and Space
Left-aligns and vertically spaces the selected outlines. Change the padding value to control spacing between outlines.
一键分别设置整个page为 英文字体14/Arial、中文14/微软雅黑,颜色黑,另外可在宏编辑器中修改以自定义喜欢的样式,已解决英文被onenote识别为中文的问题
Select Text With Similar Formatting
Selects all the text in the current page with similar formatting to the currently selected text
Align Left
Left align all selected outlines with the first one. You may wan to to add an empty outline on Top of the page before executing the macro to set a specific position.
Remove All Indents From All Paragraphs
For every paragraph, it will sent the indent to nothing
Indent First Line
Indents first line of each paragraph in Current Page or Current Section, ignoring the following cases: Paragraph in the table, bulleted paragraph, numbered paragraph, blank paragraph, paragraph other than default style is set, "center" or "right" alignment is set.
Highlight Hashtags
Highlights hashtags (#word)
Toggle Red/Black
Toggles selected text between red and black font colour.
Color PowerShell Comments + NoSpell
Changes color of text starting with a hash comment (#) on selected lines to green and remove spell checks
Color PowerShell Comments
Changes color of text starting with a single quote (#) on selected lines to green
Paragraph Spacing = 7
Sets paragraph spacing to "7" spaceBefore, "7" spaceAfter, and "0" spaceBetween.
Format Numbers
Applies specific formatting to all numbers in the selection or the current page
个人用onenote自动转为markdown格式的宏 1.缩进用“&emsp;&emsp; ” 2.表格不会被缩进影响 3.加粗字体转为md格式 4.字体颜色用font标签标记
Paragraph Spacing = 0
Sets paragraph spacing to "0" spaceBefore, "0" spaceAfter, and "0" spaceBetween.
Add Space After Paragraphs
Add 20 pt Space After Paragraphs
Color VB Comments
Changes color of text starting with a single quote (') on selected lines to green
代码格式:代码Courier New12号斜体
标题格式:中文宋体,英文Times New Roman,20号粗体
正文格式:中文宋体14号,英文Times New Roman14号
Paragraph Spacing = 9
Sets paragraph spacing to "0" spaceBefore, "0" spaceAfter, and "9" spaceBetween.
Paragraph Spacing = 3
Sets paragraph spacing to "0" spaceBefore, "7" spaceAfter, and "0" spaceBetween.
Paragraph Spacing = 20
Sets paragraph spacing to "20"
All Section Font Arial Black, Size14; Spaced 0 Before, 9 After
All fonts change to Arial black size 14 , Titles to Size 20, Paragraph spacing 0 before, 9 after


Resize Images
Resizes each image and printout in the current page by given percentage. This extension allows to choose either all images or the selected image only on the current page to be resized.
Select Images
Selects all images on the page
Set All Images in a Page as Background
This macro sets all images on the page to a background image, usefull for large printouts
Resize and space
Resizes images and printouts and spaces them out by the specified amount. Useful for slide images.
Resize Images by Pixels
Resizes all images and printouts in the current page to a specified pixel size.
Fit printout images to Letter template - for entire section
If you import an 8.5x11 page from a printout (Ex. from a PDF) into OneNote, this macro will fit the image to the size of the Letter template and also set the image to background, making it ready to annonate and easily print out to paper if necessary. Note that this will only work when using the Letter template included in OneNote. This macro will apply the change across all pages in the current section, for when the imported printout's pages are spread across multiple subpages in OneNote.
Set images not as background
Sets all images as not background.
Shift all images up and left
Shift all images up to the top left corner of the page (useful if you hate the top margin made by default with printouts)
Resize all Images on Page to One Standard Width
Resizes all images on the current page to a standard width.
Select all printout images beneath selected printout page.
This macro will select every picture with a subsequent printout page number so that they can be deleted, probably. Useful for inserted lecture slides that come in sets which encompass multiple lectures. I intend to make a more general version of this which selects images in a page based on y position instead of printout page number.
Shrink Pages
Resizes each image and printout in the current page by given percentage. This extension allows to choose either all images or the selected image only on the current page to be resized.
Fit printout images to Letter template (printer-friendly) - for entire section
If you import Letter-size page from a printout (e.g. from a PDF file) into OneNote, this macro will fit the image to the size of the Letter template, but also ensure that the printing bug in OneNote doesn't make printing the page to PDF or actual paper is not a nightmare (by scaling the printout image to be slightly smaller than the page size).
Bring selected stacked image to front
Simple macro using z property - useful for stacked offset images
Reset Stacked Image Order
Select all images on the page & put in the original order
Set All Images in a Section as Background
This macro sets all images in the section to a background image, useful for large printouts.
Resize Images Android
Resizes each image to good size for Android app
Move Images to Upper Left
Moves images to upper left corner of page, under title.
Shift first image to upper left and resize for printing
Shift the first image on the page to the upper left corner and resize to fit on the first page to allow easier printing.
Resize Images Larger Than
Resizes all images and printouts in the current page larger than specified to the specified image size. Useful for when you want to shrink the container, but one or more images are preventing it from becoming smaller.
Shift first image to upper left
Shift the first image on the page to the upper left corner to allow easier printing.
Take Images out of Text Box
Some Macros will not work when an Image is in a Text Box. (ie. Moving, setting as background, etc.) This Macro takes all images in Text Boxes and copies them so that they are no longer in a text box. Maintains approximate position on page
Resize selected images 80%
Resize selected images 80% in a page.
Reverse Images
Reverses order of images vertically. Useful if a printout is printed in the reverse order.
Move Image Coordinates
Move to left or right by x units, and/or down or up by y units.


Diary Pages
Create a page for each day in the selected month with date of the day as the title
Insert Subpage With Selected Text As Title
Inserts a new page at the bottom of the section and makes it a subpage and makes the selected text the title. It also creates a link back to the original page.
Insert Page at the Top
Inserts a new page at the top of the current section
Insert Subpage
inserts a new page at the bottom of the section and makes it a subpage
Set Page Date & Time
Set the page date and time to desired time
Insert Subpages With Selected Paragraphs As Title
Inserts a new page at the bottom of the section for each paragraph selected in the current page, using it as a title
Insert Dated Page at the Top
Inserts a new page at the top of the current section with title as date
Extract segment
Creates a new page from a selected segment, using the first line as the title
Create pages from list of titles
Creates pages in the current section from a given list of titles separated by comma (;)
Copy Current Page to Other Notebooks
Copies current page to other notebooks. You can select one or more target notebooks, or pick all notebooks.
Print/SaveAs SimpleHelper - Grid 0.5" on LetterPaper
First, manually apply Letter size w/ margins T&B 0.5" and L&R 1". Then, run this macro to see the "ideal"printable-area if scale-down is not applied. See the comments in Macroland for more information.
Insert Page at the Top with Short Date as Title
Inserts a new page at the top of the current page stack and sets a short date as a page name
Mark All Pages as Read
This will mark each page in the current Section as Read
Insert SubPage with Data as Title
Insert subpage at the end of the section and set date as a name of the page.
Copy text to first Page
This will copy all of the text from a page (and title) to the bottom of the first page in the same section. It will not copy images etc. it is a rough way to merge text pages from the bottom up. Please improve!
Insert page with selected text as title
Inserts a new page at the bottom of the section and makes the selected text the title. It also creates a link back to the original page.
Selection as Subpage
Insert a subpage to the current page using selected text as title. The selected text will be made into a link refering to the new subpage and the new subpage will contain a link back to current page. In case the current page already has one or more subpages the new subpage will bee added in the bottom.
Insert Subpages with Selected Texts As Titles
For all selected text items - Insert new subpage at section bottom, crosslinked to starting page
Insert Dated Page with Section
Inserts a new page with title as date and section name. Update to 'Insert Dated Page at the Top' by Cyrus/Omer Atay to append the section name at the end of the title as well. Also add's the page to the bottom of the section rather than at the top.
Insert Link To Parent Page
Insert link to parent page in upper right corner. Works only for sub-pages.
Insert Page at the Bottom with Short Date and time as Title
Inserts a new page at the bottom of the current page stack and sets a short date and time as a page name
Copy Pages from One Section to Multiple Other Sections
Copies all pages in current section to other sections (user entered).
List pages with a given name
Creates a new page with a list of all the pages in the current notebook that has a certain name
Number Pages
Adds numbering to the page titles in the current section. If the pages already have numbering it will update it
Set Page Level to Three for All Pages in Section
Modifies every page level property in current section and sets it to 3
Insert Dated Page with Section at Top
Inserts a new page with title as date and section name. Update to 'Insert Dated Page at the Top' by Cyrus/Omer Atay to append the section name at the end of the title as well. Also add's the page to the bottom of the section rather than at the top.
Insert SubPage with Date as Title
Insert subpage at the end of the section and set date as a name of the page.
Insert Subpage dated
inserts a new page at the bottom of the section and makes it a subpage with todays date
Set Page Level to Two for All Pages in Section
Modifies every page level property in current section and sets it to 2
Set Page Level to 1 for All Pages in Section
Modifies every page level property in current section and sets it to 1
Insert Page after Current
Inserts a new page after the current page at the same level as the current page
Insert Dated Page
Inserts a new page with todays date as title. updated 2022-10-04 by AGB to remove section request and remove placement at top of list
Insert New Doku Page
Inserts a new Doku Page
Copy Pages to ClassNotebook by Student
Will distribute app generated Pages to specific student sections in a ClassNotebook. Titles of the generated Pages must be in the format ClassNotebookNickname/StudentSection/Section/ActualTitleofPage I have used PowerAutomate to create generated OneNote Pages (as outlined here: ) but any process to create Pages is fine so long as the Page Title is as given. The functions providing distribution of the actual Pages, recently updated to include Images and Files, come from Omer Atay, with appreciation.


Perfect Printouts
Puts printouts on the left, butted vertically, inserts slide number to the right of the upper right corner in the current font and sets the images as background.
Perfect Printouts II
Puts printouts on the left against the margin line and removes the vertical gap between each page/slide. Pages/slides are not given numbers and not turned into part of the background.
Resize + Perfect Print
Resizes each image and printout in the current page by given percentage. This extension allows to choose either all images or the selected image only on the current page to be resized.
Fit printout images - for entire section
Fit printout images to page widht and place them in the top of the page. It will consider RTL page setting. If you import an 8.5x11 page from a printout (Ex. from a PDF) into OneNote, this macro will fit the image to the page widht and also set the image to background, making it ready to annonate and easily print out to paper if necessary. This macro will apply the change across all pages in the current section, for when the imported printout's pages are spread across multiple subpages in OneNote.
Fit printout A4 to A3 page - for entire section
Fit printout A4 pages to right side of A3 landscape pages (if the page not set to landscape, it will set it) . It will consider RTL page setting. If you import an A4 pages from a printout (Ex. from a PDF) into OneNote, this macro will fit it to the page and also set the image to background, making it ready to annonate and easily print out to paper if necessary. This macro will apply the change across all pages in the current section, for when the imported printout's pages are spread across multiple subpages in OneNote.


Proofing Language Page -> English (US)
Sets the proofing language on selected page to English (US)
Proofing Language Text -> English (UK)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to English (UK)
将选定内容的校验语言设为中文,以屏蔽单词拼写问题 (Set the proofing language on selected text to Chinese)
Proofing Language Text -> English (US)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to English (US)
Proofing Language Text -> German(DE)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to German(DE)
Proofing Language Page -> English (UK)
Sets the proofing language on selected page to English (UK)
Proofing Language -> French
Sets the proofing language on selected text to French
Proofing Language -> Spanish (es-ES)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Spanish (es-ES)
Proofing Language -> French (CA)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to French (CA)
Proofing Language Page-> Dutch (NL)
Sets the proofing language on selected page to Dutch (NL)
Proofing Language -> English (US)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to American English
Proofing Language Text -> Dutch (NL)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Dutch (NL)
Proofing Language -> Portuguese (Standard)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Portuguese (Standard)
Spanish Proofing
Switch proofing and change style to show Spanish text
Proofing Language Page -> Spanish (ES)
Sets the proofing language on selected page to Spanish (ES)
Proofing Language Page -> German (CH)
Sets the proofing languae on selected page to German (CH)
Proofing Language -> Dutch (NL)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Portuguese (Standard)
Proofing Language Page -> Chinese(Simplify)
Sets the proofing language on selected page to Chinese(Simplify)
Proofing Language Page -> Polish (PL)
Sets the proofing language on selected page to Polish (PL)
Proofing Language Text -> German(AT)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to German(AT)
Proofing Language Text -> Polish (PL)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Polish (PL)
Set Proofing Language to en-gb or pl-pl
Toogle proofing language on selected text between en-gb and pl-pl
Proofing Language -> Danish
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Danish
Proofing Language -> Swedish
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Swedish
Proofing Language -> Portuguese (Brazil)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Portuguese (Brazil)
Proofing Language Text -> German(CH)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to German(CH)
Proofing Language -> Czech (CZ)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Czech (CZ)
Proofing Language -> Swedish
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Swedish
Toggle between en-US and fr
Toogle proofing language on selected text between en-us and fr
Proofing Language -> Slovenian (SLO)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Slovenian (SLO)
Proofing Language -> Italian
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Italian (it-IT)
Proofing Language Page -> Bulgarian (BG)
Sets the proofing language on selected page to Bulgarian(BG)
Proofing Language Text -> Croatian (Hr)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Croatian (Hr)
Proofing Language Page -> Croatian (Hr)
Sets the proofing language on selected page to Croatian (Hr)
Proofing Language -> Slovak (SK)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Slovak (SK)
Proofing Language Page -> German (CH)
Sets the proofing language on selected page to German (CH)
Proofing Language Page -> Slovak (SK)
Sets the proofing language on selected page to Slovak (SK)
Proofing Language Page -> German (AT)
Sets the proofing language on selected page to Austrian German
Proofing Language -> Ukrainian (UA)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Ukrainian (UA)
Proofing Language Text -> Irish (IE)
Sets the proofing language on selected text to Irish (ga-IE)

Rule Lines

Custom Rule Lines
Set spacing and color of grid lines to any value.
A4 sized paper with infinite length and ruled horizontal lines
Adds a vertical rule line to a letter sized paper with infinite length and ruled horizontal lines. You can change the rule line color afterwards from View > Rule Lines > Rule Line Color if you want.
Custom Grid Lines
Set spacing and color of grid lines to any value.
Grey Rulelines for Black Pages (Page)
Toggles rule lines on and off for current page, sets color to dark grey, and style to small grid (made for blackboard and dark windows themes)
Letter sized paper with infinite length and ruled horizontal lines
Adds a vertical rule line to a letter sized paper with infinite length and ruled horizontal lines. You can change the rule line color afterwards from View > Rule Lines > Rule Line Color if you want.
Set rule lines on/off in scope
Enables or disables rule linese in given scope
Dark Ruled Lines for Black Pages
Sets color to a dark grey for a black background
Light Ruled Lines for White Page
Sets color to a lighter grey for a white background
A4 Paper Boundaries
Adds lines to the page to show A4 paper boundaries
Demarca Lineas Tamaño Carta
Agrega lineas de color gris suave para delimitar el tamaño de una carta en el modo de tamaño Automático o Infinito.
Add letter sized paper boundaries
Adds a vertical and horizontal line at Letter size page boundaries. To be used as guides for printing
1-inch Rule Lines
Adds 1-inch vertical and horizontal gray rule lines to the current page


Sort Pages
Sort pages in current section or notebook by name, sub pages stay under their parent pages and sorted among themselves
Sort Sections
Sort each section in current section group alphabetically by name
Sort Pages by Date
Sorts pages in current section or notebook by created or last modified date
Sort Notebooks
Sort notebooks alphabetically by name
Sort Pages By Date +
Sorts pages in current section by created or last modified date. The page-subpage hierarchy won't be lost because subpages will move along with their higher level pages.
Sort Table
Sorts selected table by selected column
Sort Selected Paragraphs
Sorts selected paragraphs or list items
Sort Selected Todos
Sort Todo boxes by checked/unchecked. Select the paragraphs that have todo checkboxes and run this macro.
Sort Pages Ascending
Sort each page in current section by name in ascending order, sub pages stay under their parent pages and sorted among themselves
Sort Tags
Sort items by whether they are complete or not.
Sort Table (optional header)
Sorts selected table by selected column. Has an option to exclude header.
Sort Pages in all Sections in Notebook
Sort each page in current notebook by name, pages in section stay in section and are sorted among themselves, sub pages stay under their parent pages and sorted among themselves
This macro is to sort a prioritized To Do list, colors them based on priority and status. You need to select the To Do list to sort them. Indented sections are treated as one, and sorting will not harm them.
Sort All Paragraphs
Sort all paragraphs on the page and optionally empty duplications
Sort Paragraphs and Remove Duplications
Sort every paragraph on the page exclude empty ones and title. And also delete duplications.
Sort by Tag
Sort selected paragraphs by their tag name
Sort each paragraph on the page Ascending
Exclude empty paragraph and title and no selection needed.
Sort Rows by Tag
Sorts the rows of the selected table based on the first tag in the first cell of each row
Sort Paragraphs by Highlight Color
Sort selected the paragraphs by the highlight color on them. You can use this after using "Extract Highlighted Text" macro to sort the extracted text by highlight color
Add *yymmdd* + sort latest page on top
1. Add *yymmdd* as title prefix for all Notes in Section 2. sort latest page on top ***Note: automatically skip Notes already prefixed. If note has no title, automatically use first line or add "Untitled Note"
Randomize Table
Randomize the order of the rows of a table, excluding the header. This is useful to many GMs to "roll" on random loot tables and such.
Sort Sections by Last Modified
Sort sections of a notebook based on when they were last modified. Most recent sections are shown first.


Use sum, average, etc. functions on tables. Select a cell, a column or a row to apply the functions.
Text to Table
Converts selected text into table
Auto-fills selected table cells using data from the first few selected cells
Set Column Widths
Sets the column width of the selected table on the current page to the specified value.
Table to Text
Converts the selected table to text, columns separated by tabs. Preserves formatting but will remove any images
Set Table Colors
Set selected Table Shade for Odd and Even Lines
Clear Cells
Delete text from selected cells
Shade Alternate Table Rows
Shades alternate rows of selected table to the selected accent color
Number Cells
Numbers all the cells in a table starting from a given value.
Insert One Cell Table
Insert a single celled table in an outline.
Distribute Columns
Distribute the width of the selected columns equally between them. This macros is similar to the command of the same name in Microsoft Word.
Number Selected Cells
Set numbers from 1 to n to the sellected Cells
Transpose Table
Transposes the selected table. It may leave empty cells if the table is not a square. It only works if the table has text. Non-text content will be lost.
Number First Cells
Numbers only the first column in a table starting from a given value.
Number Cells in a Specific Column
Numbers the cells in a specific column in the Table. If there is data in this column it will be overwritten with the number
Divides Two Cells in a row or a column in a Table, Select 3 Cells, the Cell to be divided first then the Divisor and a Blank Cell for the Quotient and run the Macro.
Table Numbering with Prefix
Set a Prefix with numbers 1 to n on selected cells
Multiply two cells of a row or a column into a adjoining empty cell in a table
Converts selected text into table with 2 columns : Odd-numbered paragraphs in the first column, even-numbered paragraphs in the second column
Unlock Column Width
Unlock the column width of the selected columns so that their width adjusts automatically based on content.
Insert One Cell Table Anywhere
Insert a single celled table in an outline OR IN A TABLE
Set All First Columns Width to 30 Value
It will set first columns to 'locked' set it to width 30 (certain widths below a threshold don't have any effect)
Proportional Function
Useful for math; for each table cell, it creates a grid of proportions for a specific number and division number of your choosing. WARNING: Create a new scrap page with a table for this to work! (Also, it can only go down/up to a certain integer value, Onetastic limitation.)
Exponentiate Cells
Useful for math; for each table cell, it creates a grid of powers for a specific number of your choosing. WARNING: Create a new scrap page with a table for this to work! (Also, it can only go up/down to a certain integer value, limitation of Onetastic.)
Count Selected Rows
Count the selected rows and shows the result in a message box.
Table Numbering with Prefix, Starting Number and Increment
Set a prefix, starting number and increment for a selection of cells on the page.
Samy --> InsertRow
Sample macro showing how to rearrange rows in a table
Advanced Table Numbering with Prefix
Set a Prefix with numbers. Variable start number and increment.
Clear Table
Clear all cells in the selected table


Tag Summary for Specific Tag
Creates a tag summary page for a specific tag. Up to three tags can be specified to find paragraphs that contain all those tags together or at least one of them
To-Do List with Page Names
Creates a page at the top of the section that lists all un-checked To-do tags. It is titled "TO-DO List (yyyy-mm-dd h:mm)".
Tag Summary with Page Names
Creates a tag summary page with page names and links for each tag. Orders the results first by tag, then by the page they appear in.
Insert Date Created or Completed
Insert "Created:" or "Completed:" and today's date at the cursor position. Does not work if cursor is next to or in a hyperlink.
Tag Complete & Strikethrough
Completes the Todo tag and strikes through the selected paragraph
Tag Complete & Add Date
Completes the todo tag on the selected line and adds the current date/time to the end of it
Hightlight selected text and insert comment about the text into a new tag. Comments will be visible when you hover the cursor over the tag symbol.
Tag Summary for Specific Tag with Page Name
Creates a tag summary page for a specific tag with Page Name
Un/Complete Tasks
Strikes through all tasks set as done (in entire page) and adds current date & time (greyed) to their end to signify when they were completed. Does the reverse on tasks that aren't done, to automatically reset a task and remove strike/date.
Tag Completion Date
Displays the completion date/time of the To Do tag on the selected paragraph
Uncheck All Todos
Uncheck all todo boxes on the current page
Toggle Complete/Strikethrough and Sort
Toggles the Todo tag Complete/Incomplete and Strikethrough of the selected paragraph. Then, sorts completed items at the bottom. This is a combonation of two existing macros.
Sort Completed
Sorts all todo lists on the page by completed status.
Dim Tags
Dims tags on the current page so that they don't show up in tag search results
Completed tags - grey out, checked date
Grey out completed tags and write date when it was completed
Add @Context
In function of the Todo.txt concept, add a context to all tags that have the name "Takenlijst" in the Dutch OneNote. In English it must be "To Do" I think so you'd have to correct it in this macro. Contexts are defined in the Prompt-function so you'd have to adjust it to your likings.
Toggle To Do & Strikethrough for Selection
Toggles the todo tag and strikethrough for the selected paragraphs
Grey Out & Strike Through Completed
Grey out and strike through completed tags
Undim Tags
Undims tags on the current page, section, section group, notebook or all notebooks, so that they show up in tag search results
Create Page With Completed Tag Summary
Creates a tag summary page at the end of the section(s) selected for all completed tags. The page name that the tag was on is included in the summary list.
Tag Incomplete
Marks the Todo tag Incomplete and clears strikethrough of the selected paragraph.
Tag Started and Completed
When run once on a todo item, records the time started at the beginning. When run a second time, replaces the start time with the time elapsed since the tag and the current time and tags the item as completed. Known bugs: the cursor may jump around. Does not validate that the text after "- started at" is correct.
Uncheck All Todos in Cells
Uncheck all todos contained in cells. Useful if you have many todos on one page and some must not be unchecked. For example, if you have a weekly calendar with todos you must do each day, and separate todos that don't need to be done on a specific day. I put my daily todos in a table and the other todos outside of the table. This marco unchecks only the todos in the table (in cells).
Grey out completed
Grey out completed tags and write date when it was completed
Toggle Complete/Strikethrough
Toggles the Todo tag Complete/Incomplete and Strikethrough of the selected paragraph.
Toggle Tags w/ strikethrough & date completed
Checked tags are disabled, strike-thoughed, & stamped w/ date completed (Only adds complete date to tags not currently disabled). Unchecked tags are enabled & remove strike-through.
Dim Selected Tags
Dims selected tags on the current page so that they don't show up in tag search results
Next Unfinished To-Do Item
Selects the next unfinished to-do item in the current page. The search starts after the current cursor location. Otherwise selects the first unfinished to-do item on the page.
Übersichtliche Gestaltung für Checklisten
bearbeitet erledigte aufgaben auf den Ebenen 1-4
Check All Todos
Check all todo boxes on the current page
Toggle Complete & Strikethrough
Every checked tag becomes disabled w/ strike-through, every unchecked tag becomes enabled w/o strike-through.
Dim "In Attendace" tags
Dims "In Attendance" tags in current page so that they don't show up in tag search results
Change Tag Text
Change the text that appears when you hover over a tag. The new text have more than one line. Select anyplace in paragraph that contains the tag whose text your want to modify.
Gather Un-Done tags on new page with description, links and creation date
Creates a page at the top of the section that lists all un-checked To-do tags. It is titled "Un-done".
Disable all tags (5)
Disable all tags on current page
Vote Count
This macro will count the todo list tag for voting purposes on a collaboration workspace such as on OneNote Classroom Creator. The result of the vote is displayed on the header. in order to use the Vote count you should create a list of voters. Giving them a to do list. Each votore check the to do list. it means voted.
Tag Action Owner
Prompts for and tags action owner e.g. [PS] - at beginning of paragraph in bold, red text
Gather TO-DO tags on new page with description, links and creation date
Creates a page at the top of the section that lists all un-checked To-do tags. It is titled "TO-DO".
Insert Date Created
Insert "Created: at the cursor position.
Bee Society - MoSCoW
Prioritizing using MoSCoW Technique
tag un/completed sort,created/completed date entry
This Macro sorts the tags in Completed and uncompleted order. It also appends created date and Completed date in the end.
Attendance tag dimmer
Dims in attendance tags for the selected scope
Créer page avec Tag
Crée une page avec le tag choisi
Complete all uncompleted tags in page
For each tag in page, set to completed if it is not completed
To-Do List with Section and Page Names
Small tweaks to Onetastic, RobertC, Sako73 version. Output modified to group by section group and tag type. Creates a page at the top of the section that lists all un-checked To-do tags. It is titled "TO-DO List (yyyy-mm-dd h:mm)".
Create Page With Completed Tag Summary
Creates a tag summary page at the end of the section(s) selected for all completed tags. The page name that the tag was on is included in the summary list.
Checks if a Tag is checked and places the current date in the next cell/paragraph if so.
Distribution Group Tags Dimmer
Dims distribution tags so they don't appear in tags summaries/find tags.
To-Do List with Section and Page Names
Creates a page at the top of the section that lists all un-checked To-do tags. It is titled "TO-DO List (yyyy-mm-dd h:mm)".
To Do Count
Count all the checkboxes on the page by paragraph. Example: Checked: 5 Not Checked: 6 Total: 11
Tag Created + Completed
Displays the creation and completion date/time of the To Do tag on the selected paragraph


Customize the Title
This macro is intended to show how to customize the title. You have to select the first paragraph in the current page and replace the text
Insert Page At Top With YYYY-MM-DD + Title
The title is in form of yyyy-mm-dd plus text as entered in a dialogue-box. Result will be e.g. "2016-10-16 Meeting with XYZ". This helps to always keep the newest pages on top and also allows sorting pages 'alphabetically' by date. Helpful if many pages (e.g. meeting minutes of a project or customer are collected in one section).
Task Count + Tags
Modified version of Task Count by Dawid. This macro counts all checkboxes and adds how many are completed to the title of the page. It also counts how many exclamation, question, star, and pin tags there are. This version counts all checkbox style tags (including CheckBox priority 1 - n, meeting checkboxes, starred checkboxes etc). Furthermore, it counts all checkbox tags applied to the same paragraph rather than just 1, so if two checkbox tags are applied to the same paragraph, it will count both of them.
*Prepend Page Date to Title (Custom)
Prepends create date *yyyy-mm-dd - * to title if it does not exist
Create a title for the page
The titel is in form of yyyymmdd - and free text of titel (for e.g. "20141016 - Test the best")
Add/Remove Date/Time from Titles
Adds or removes Date/Time from titles of pages in current section or notebook
Task Count++
Modified version of Task Count by Dawid. This macro counts all checkboxes and adds how many are completed to the title of the page. This version counts all checkbox style tags (including CheckBox priority 1 - n). Furthermore, it counts all tags applied to the same paragraph rather than just 1, so if two checkbox tags are applied to the same paragraph, it will count both of them.
Add Date before Title (yy/mm/dd)
Modifies the page title to add the date in yy/mm/dd format
Append Date to Title (
Modifies the page title to append the date in DD.MM.YY format
Prepends Create Date *yyyymmdd* to Title
Build with code from "Prepend Creation to Title" by Jim and "Capitalize Page Titles" by Omer Atay. Function: Prepend the creation time in yyyymmdd format to titles of pages under selected scope. If the title already has date in other format, such as yy/mm/dd, the old date will be updated to the yyyymmdd format. Note, if the title star with number,"/", or "-", it will be replaced as well.
Insert Page At Bottom With Title
The titel is in form of yyyymmdd - and free text of titel (for e.g. "20141016 - Test the best")
Prepends Create Date ** to Title
Function: Prepend the creation time in format to titles of pages under selected scope. If the title already has date in other format, such as yy/mm/dd, the old date will be updated to the yyyymmdd format. Note, if the title star with number,"/", or "-", it will be replaced as well.
Add Date before Title (YYYY_MM_DD)
Modifies the page title to add the date in YYYY_MM_DD format
Add Author to Title
Modifies the page title to append the author's name
Append Desired Text to All Page Titles
Appends given text to all page titles in either the current notebook or all notebooks
Prepend Creation to Title (yymmdd)
Extension from Jim's popular Prepend Creation Title. This version prepends created date to *yymmdd* instead of *yyyy-mm-dd*. Trick 1: Write your first line as title. Trick 2: Use Quick Access Toolbar so that you can use Atl + <number> then Enter to quickly add to title
Append Date to Title ( Titel
Modifies the page title to append the date in DD.MM.YY format
Append Date to Title ( Datum "Angebot" Titel
Modifies the page title to append the date in DD.MM.YY format
Add *yymmdd* as Note title prefix for all Pages in Current Section
Add *yymmdd* as Note title prefix for all Pages in Current Section. Usage: select desired Section to add *yymmdd* before running macro. If Page already starts with 20** or 18** then that note will be skipped. If Page does not have the title: the first line will become the title -> trick: don't bother naming your note. Just type the first line with your intended title. Then run this macro once after every while.
Append Date to Title ( Wetter
Modifies the page title to append the date in DD.MM.YY format
Add *yymmdd* as Note title prefix for all Pages in Current Section
Add *yymmdd* as Note title prefix for all Pages in Current Section. Usage: select desired Section to add *yymmdd* before running macro. If Page already starts with 20** or 18** then that note will be skipped. If Page does not have the title: the first line will become the title -> trick: don't bother naming your note. Just type the first line with your intended title. Then run this macro once after every while.
Sum Hours in Page Titles of Current Section
Sum hours contained in page titles of current section and display the total in a dialog box. Optionally, create a new page with a detailed report. Hours must be between parentheses and be at the end of the page title. For example: This is my page title (7.5)
Crear título fecha
"AAAA-MM-DD Título_opcional" con fuente por defecto
Set Page Titles
Sets the titles of each page in the current section to the values in the given semicolon-separated text
Changes title of each page in the current section to date of its creation
Changes title of each page in the current section to date of its creation


TOC in Current Notebook
Creates or updates table of contents of the current notebook
TOC in Current Page
Creates a table of contents from heading in the current page and inserts at the top of the page. Optionally it adds "Back to Top" links to the headings.
TOC in Current Section
Creates a new page with table of contents of the current section
List Notebooks
Creates a page with a list of all open notebooks and links to them
Content Map in Current Page
Add a compact, mind map style table of contents to the top of the current page. The table of contents is limited to 3 heading levels. The connector lines between nodes are 'drawn' using special glyphs from a monospace font. To minimize user interaction, no UI is displayed.
Content Map in Current Section
Add a compact, mind map style TOC tree at the top of the current section. The tree contains links to all section pages and up three levels of headings per page. The connector lines between nodes are 'drawn' using special glyphs from a monospace font. To minimize user interaction, no UI is displayed.
TOC in Current Subpages
Creates a table of contents of the current page subpages
TOC in All Notebooks
Creates a new page with table of contents of all notebooks
This is a Chinese version of TOC in Current Page. I only changed the title "Table of Content" to "目录" and "Backtotop" to "页首", which might be more suitable for Chinese users. 只是把TOC in Current Page这个宏的目录标题从 "Table of Content"改成了“目录”,把“Backtotop”改成了“页首”对于中文的页面可能更友好一点:-)
TOC in Current Section Group
Creates a new page with table of contents of the current section group
TOC of Subpages - Markers
Creates a table of contents of the current page subpages. The list is put into the selected outline. The difference between this script and "TOC in Current Subpages" is that it creates markes ( ├─{ or └─{ ) to the left of each content item.
TOC in Section - Markers
Creates or updates a table of contents for current section. It is possible to select if sub-pages should be included or not. The main difference between this script and "TOC in Current Section" is that it inserts markers ( ├─{, └─{ or ┬─{ ) to the left of each content item.
TOC of Subpages - Markers
Creates a table of contents of the current page subpages. The list is put into the selected outline. The difference between this script and "TOC in Current Subpages" is that it creates markes ( ├─{ or └─{ ) to the left of each content item.
This is a Chinese version of TOC in Current Page. I only changed the title "Table of Content" to "目录" and "Backtotop" to "页首", which might be more suitable for Chinese users. 只是把TOC in Current Page这个宏的目录标题从 "Table of Content"改成了“目录”,把“Backtotop”改成了“页首”对于中文的页面可能更友好一点:-)
This is a Traditioal Chinese version of TOC in Current Page. I only changed the title "Table of Content" to "目錄" and "Backtotop" to "䈎首", which might be more suitable for Chinese users. 只是把TOC in Current Page這個宏的目錄標題從"Table of Content"改成了“目錄”,把“Backtotop”改成了“䈎首”。這樣對於繁體中文的䈎面可能更友好一點:-)