Set All Images in a Page as Background

This macro sets all images on the page to a background image, usefull for large printouts


Author(s) : improver, Brian
Category : Image
Last Updated : May 18, 2019
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Changelog :

May 18, 2019 (B7C6F8) - improver
Just changed the name to better reflect what it does. I will be uploading another micro that does a slightly different task (operates on all images in a section).

June 19, 2016 (5FC4E4) - Brian
Automatically upgraded to the new Macro Language

These versions are no longer supported:

September 06, 2013 - Brian
Initial version


Kamilla - 2021-01-28
Love this macro, just recently I found out, it changes the colour of my pen writings to black. I don't understand why, since the macro is so nicely simply written.
Christy - 2016-09-16
Is there a macro that will work after I write? i often have to edit slides or switch the order during a lecture.
H Dornak - 2016-04-25
Love the idea behind this macro!  For me though, when I use only sets an image as background if the image is not inside a "text box"  -- also, it changes the Title font to gray, if the title font is white.  Is anyone else seeing this?  I'm running Win 10 & OneNote 2016.