Sum Hours in Page Titles of Current Section

Sum hours contained in page titles of current section and display the total in a dialog box. Optionally, create a new page with a detailed report. Hours must be between parentheses and be at the end of the page title. For example: This is my page title (7.5)


Author(s) : Philippe J. Bruno
Category : Title
Last Updated : July 19, 2018
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Screenshot :

Sum Hours in Page Titles of Current Section

Report page title:
Changelog :

July 19, 2018 (72DA2E) - Philippe J. Bruno
Added optional generation of a new page with a detailed report.

July 16, 2018 (342375) - Philippe J. Bruno
Initial Version


Wadeen - 2020-08-12
Hello Philippe,

Really appreciate this macro for summing hours.

I would like to switch entirely to using this maco for keeping track of my time.

I was wondering if you could edit the macro so that it would create three columns when it compiles the page title data.  The three columns would be in this order from left to right:  Date; Description; Hours.

This way the date you did the work is clearly separated by its own column instead of merged into the column for description.

Much appreciation for making this macro.

Thank you very much in advance,
Dianna - 2018-07-20
Nice! Thanks.
Philippe J. Bruno - 2018-07-19
Hi Dianna,
Just to let you know, I added the report feature. It is really nice, you can even copy and paste this detailed report in Word or Excel and produce an invoice in no time. It is so cool that I will start using it!