April 23, 2017 (401D8B) - DaveV
- Removed use of some deprecated properties (e.g. tagtype)
- Used Nested foreach loops rather than creating a new paragraph object array for each time tags need to be checked.
- Modified the way tags are counted so that:
- All tags on a single paragraph are counted (e.g. if there is two different checkbox tags, both will be counted)
- Added counting of question mark, exclamation, star, and pin tags to the title.
Format of the way the title is displayed is a bit different to the original, but it should be relatively easy to modify if wanted if you're aware of how to manipulate strings. June 19, 2016 (C7B0B6) - Dawid
Automatically upgraded to the new Macro Language These versions are no longer supported: March 19, 2016 - Dawid
Initial version |