Title -> Calibri Light 20

Changes title of each page in the current section to Calibri Light 20 to match OneNote 2013 style


Author(s) : Onetastic ★
Category : Font
Last Updated : June 20, 2016
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Changelog :

June 20, 2016 (75BDDB) - Onetastic ★
Re-written with the new Macro Language to take advantage of cleaner syntax and performance improvements

These versions are no longer supported:

April 02, 2013 - Onetastic ★
Initial version


Omer Atay - 2017-02-16
Dan: Check the documentation for properties. There is no property called "showTitle". Currently there is no way to hide title area using macros.
Dan - 2017-02-16
Hi Omer,
I am trying to hide the Page Default Title.
I tried this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Macro name="Hide Default Ttitle" category="Daily " description="" publishDate="00-00-00T00:00:00.000Z" version="15">
  <Comment text="For each Page in CurrentSection" />
  <ForEach var="oPage">
    <Array>QueryObjects("Title", GetCurrentSection())</Array>
      <Condition>!($oPage.showTitle = true)</Condition>
    <Expression>$oPage.showTitle = false</Expression>

it didnt work :(
CyIntegr8or - 2016-06-29
Would be great if font type could be chosen, and Title size could be chosen.

And from the other comments, if it worked :)