All Page Font Calibri Size 11

All fonts change to Calibri black size 11, Titles to Font Size 20. 1 page effect


Author(s) : maple54
Category : Font
Last Updated : September 26, 2016
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Changelog :

September 26, 2016 (EA44E0) - maple54
Initial Version


Omer Atay - 2017-07-27
Tom: Do you still have this problem after version 3.6.2?
Tom - 2017-07-14

I have tried changing the font to Century Gothic however it seems to change the font to Calibri Light. I tried Arial, and it worked on everything as expected.

Is there are limitation on the fonts you can choose from/what is causing this? Also, is there some workaround to getting Century Gothic to work?   Thank you :) Great tool!
Omer Atay - 2017-02-11
CardDolphin: Edit the macro (Home > Edit Macros > choose macro to edit) and replace where it says "Calibri" to "Arial" and "11" to "14"