Sort Completed

Sorts all todo lists on the page by completed status.


Author(s) : jfont
Category : Tags
Last Updated : June 20, 2016
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Changelog :

June 20, 2016 (07CD41) - jfont
Automatically upgraded to the new Macro Language

These versions are no longer supported:

October 20, 2015 - jfont
Initial version


C.A. Carpenter - 2016-06-16
Using OneNote 2013. Every time I launch the "sort" function it freezes, which also freezes OneNote. The only way to stop is I have to kill the process.

This is on a Surface Pro 4.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
C.A. Carpenter - 2016-06-16
Using OneNote 2013. Every time I launch the "sort" function it freezes, which also freezes OneNote. The only way to stop is I have to kill the process.

This is on a Surface Pro 4.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
C.A. Carpenter - 2016-06-16
Using OneNote 2013. Every time I launch the "sort" function it freezes, which also freezes OneNote. The only way to stop is I have to kill the process.

This is on a Surface Pro 4.

Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.