Dim "In Attendace" tags

Dims "In Attendance" tags in current page so that they don't show up in tag search results


Author(s) : lutop
Category : Tags
Last Updated : June 20, 2016
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Changelog :

June 20, 2016 (61EAEF) - lutop
Automatically upgraded to the new Macro Language

These versions are no longer supported:

February 01, 2016 - lutop
Initial version


Steve - 2017-01-20
I noticed when I dimmed the attendees it took away the ability to Collapse and expand the attendees list
virginmaryforyou - 2016-02-02
This didn't work for me; I'm not sure why.  I appreciate the work you are doing however.
virginmaryforyou - 2016-02-02
This didn't work for me; I'm not sure why.  I appreciate the work you are doing however.