Word Count - Selected

Displays the number of words and characters in the selected region - Credit to original Word Count by Omer Atay


Author(s) : himynameschris
Category : Info
Last Updated : June 19, 2016
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Screenshot :

Word Count - Selected

Changelog :

June 19, 2016 (407F12) - himynameschris
Automatically upgraded to the new Macro Language

These versions are no longer supported:

January 30, 2014 - himynameschris
Initial version


JBM - 2019-10-03
Greetings: Hope all is well. Is there a macro that can convert "numbers" (1/2) into regular "fractions" like Word?
Eusorph - 2017-11-09
I love this macro and use it every day, but since I am writing a novel I would like to know if it would be possible for you to create another macro that can gather the word count on every page and give the total wordcount of the whole novel at once.
Since I use multiple text boxes for brainstorming on paragraphs I wouldn't want the wordcount of all of them, but just a few. Right now, I write the wordcount of the main textbox in the title of the page and then count manually. My idea would be to still do the manual wordcount for the main textbox, but for a macro to then gather all the wordcounts on all the pages where I place the wordcount marker. So, I could for example mark the wordcount on the page by writing #1500#. Would then be possible for a macro to go and gather that kind of info on all pages where it is present and display the total sum?

Sandra - 2016-08-23
The word count in the selected box doesn't match the word count In Word. I have a 98-word count in Word and for the same text a 95-word count in Onenote. The original text is typed in Onenote.
Onetastic is an amazing tool by the way. Thx!