Auto Generate Links to Pages

Automatically creates hyperlinks on any text that matches a page title within the selected pages, all pages in the current section, or current notebook


Author(s) : Onetastic ★, Dominic Hartjes
Category : Hyperlink
Last Updated : November 12, 2023
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Watch this short video to learn more about this macro
Screenshot :

Auto Generate Links to Pages

Changelog :

November 12, 2023 (4B557B) - Onetastic ★
Added the following options: selected pages in the current section, all pages in the current section, or current notebook

September 24, 2022 (FA46A9) - Onetastic ★
Changed title lookup to be case insensitive

November 30, 2020 (FFAFC0) - Dominic Hartjes
Initial Version


Aleksei Razsadin - 2023-11-08
Can this be done to an entire Notebook at once, rather than just one section?
Raz - 2023-03-10
raz - 2023-01-28
Can this be changed to search across sections, notebooks, pages, etc.?