Add Hyperlink to Text

Search for instances of given text and add the given hyperlink to them assuming their font size is less than the given limit. NOTE: If you want to link to the non-web version of OneNote you must copy the hyperlink from the object you want to link to, paste it into OneNote, then copy the link from that hyperlinked text.


Author(s) : OmnesPotens
Category : Hyperlink
Last Updated : April 04, 2018
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Screenshot :

Add Hyperlink to Text

Text to Add Link to
Object's Link
Font Size Limit
Changelog :

April 04, 2018 (933144) - OmnesPotens
Added string equality check to found text, seems like QueryText() function is not grabbing the full Text objects. It seems to just return any text object with the given search string in it

April 04, 2018 (F35531) - OmnesPotens
Fixed size check by using standard macro functions and greater than check

March 21, 2018 (C2E1D9) - OmnesPotens
Updated font size check and description

March 15, 2018 (19B49C) - OmnesPotens
Initial Version


OmnesPotens - 2018-04-09
For anyone who downloads and uses this macro, please keep in mind that it seems like the macro functions used to find text do not "Match Word" meaning if you are searching for the word "goblin" and the following words are in the scope: "goblin", "goblins", "goblinoids" it will likely link to all 3 entries because the substring "goblin" exists in all of them. I am unsure if this is intentional or not as I can't seem to get a definitive answer on this.