Where am I +

Inserts a breadcrumb showing where the current page is in the hieararchy of notebooks / section groups / sections / Parent Pages. Automatically removes the old breadcrumb.


Author(s) : Onetastic ★, Chris K.Y. FUNG
Category : Navigation
Last Updated : August 06, 2024
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Changelog :

August 06, 2024 (59EEA1) - Onetastic ★
Updated to use the display name of the notebook

October 10, 2016 (3307F2) - Onetastic ★
This macro now correctly displays the section group hierarchy

June 19, 2016 (5AFF19) - Chris K.Y. FUNG
Automatically upgraded to the new Macro Language

These versions are no longer supported:

May 09, 2014 - Chris K.Y. FUNG
Initial version


Omer Atay - 2017-03-22
kpudlo: There is no way to run a macro automatically when a page is created. Even if there was, it wouldn't work for Where am I macro since you need to first enter a title for the macro to add the correct breadcrumb and when you have just created the page, there is no title.
kpudlo - 2017-03-22
Hello Omer,

I've been looking into Onetastic, and some of the features are amazing! I was wondering if there was any way to run a macro automatically when a page was created?

Essentially, I'm trying to add breadcrumbs (Where am I +) every time a new page is created.

Omer Atay - 2016-10-10
Francesco: This issue should now be fixed. Please download the latest version of this macro.