macroland Macroland

Macros by: Chris K.Y. FUNG

Resize Images
Resizes each image and printout in the current page by given percentage. This extension allows to choose either all images or the selected image only on the current page to be resized.
Search Multi-Keywords
Search the paragraphs containing all the multiple keywords within a scope, and create a new page reporting the search results in the current section. Use semicolons (;) to separate the keywords, e.g. keyword1;keyword2;keyword3. There is (theoretically) no limit to the maximum number of keywords. But the speed is optimized for searching three keywords, and it slows down when more than three keywords are used. There are five opinions of scopes available, namely, “Current Page”, “Selection”, “Current Selection”, “Current Notebook”, and “All Notebooks”. It can take a long time, if search in notebook(s). Skip function is available, that is mainly for excluding pages that contain the previous search reports, to avoid duplicating the search results. Skip can take place in all scopes except the “Current Page” opinion. Change the texts as if you desired. It will skip the pages if their names contain the defined string. The report page lists the matched paragraphs and where they are found in.
Where am I +
Inserts a breadcrumb showing where the current page is in the hieararchy of notebooks / section groups / sections / Parent Pages. Automatically removes the old breadcrumb.
Expand/Collapse Outlines
Toggle Expand/Collapse, or expand to the selected outlines to the chosen level (Level 1 to 9 as well as all levels).
Zotero References
Copy the all the zotero reference to the end of the current page.
Zotero Link in form of Author, Year
Convert each Quick Copy of Zotero Scanable Cite { | Author, Year | | |zotero://select/items/#_########} on the current page to a text in form of "Author, Year" with a hyperlink linked to Zotero. Each cite must in an individual paragraph.
Clone Hyperlinks
Clone Hyperlinks Across Same Texts in Current Page. Find each text with hyperlink, and then clone the hyperlink to the same texts in Current Page. Last updated: 2015-01-01 (fixed bugs)
Clean Strikethrogh
Remove strikethrough texts in CurrentPage
Convert Zotero scannable cite to a Hyperlink
Convert each Quick Copy of Zotero Scanable Cite { | Author, Year | | |zotero://select/items/#_########} on the current page to a hyperlink linked to Zotero. Each cite must in an individual paragraph.
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