Set Table Colors

Set selected Table Shade for Odd and Even Lines


Author(s) : Garion
Category : Table
Last Updated : September 05, 2022
Requirements : OneNote 2013 or above
Screenshot :

Set Table Colors

Change Font Color or Shading Color?
Odd line color
Even line color
Changelog :

September 05, 2022 (6BFAB7) - Garion
You can select color by color picker instead of textbox now. Contact me if you have any suggestions:

January 10, 2019 (9E84BF) - Garion
You can choose to change the shading color or font color of selected table now. Changed default colors, which may look more comfortable as backgrondcolor. This macro now remembers your last chosen options. Contact me if you have any suggestions for this macro:

September 04, 2018 (8462CF) - Garion
Initial Version


Dave - 2021-02-02
Would be even nicer if could choose to not apply to first row, like as done in the "Number First Cells" macro.