List hyperlinks from search in new page

List hyperlinks from search in new page


Author(s) : martyh1
Category : Find
Last Updated : June 20, 2016
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Screenshot :

List hyperlinks from search in new page

Find part of hyperlink
Changelog :

June 20, 2016 (CD385D) - martyh1
Automatically upgraded to the new Macro Language

These versions are no longer supported:

May 16, 2016 - martyh1
Initial version


Omer Atay - 2017-03-08
Dan: Yes there seems to be an issue, I will check it out
Dan - 2017-03-08
Thank you Omer,
This seems a better macro for me, than what I was trying to create :)
I noticed that the macro didnt find multiple keywords?
It does work when you search for 1 Keyword.
When you have a chance do test it out

and thanks a lot for all your help  as always
Omer Atay - 2017-03-07
Dan: You could just use Search Multi-Keywords macro: