Indent First Line

Indents first line of each paragraph in Current Page or Current Section, ignoring the following cases: Paragraph in the table, bulleted paragraph, numbered paragraph, blank paragraph, paragraph other than default style is set, "center" or "right" alignment is set.


Author(s) : Onetastic ★, zpp_jp
Category : Formatting
Last Updated : December 27, 2022
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Screenshot :

Indent First Line

Indent Size (0-15)
Changelog :

December 27, 2022 (76BB2F) - Onetastic ★
Updated name, description and screenshot

September 11, 2016 (0E050B) - zpp_jp
Initial version


Ryu - 2024-09-17
Is there any way to only indent the first line of a specific paragraph instead of the whole page.
Sparks In Texas - 2017-01-05
Any chance you'll ever write the opposite and produce a hanging first line?