A4 Paper Boundaries

Adds lines to the page to show A4 paper boundaries


Author(s) : Onetastic ★
Category : Rule Lines
Last Updated : December 16, 2022
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Changelog :

December 16, 2022 (777726) - Onetastic ★
Initial Version


Onetastic ★ - 2024-04-04
sarebear18: Unfortunately no, the paper boundaries are done using rule lines, so you can't then have rule lines on top of that.
sarebear18 - 2024-04-01
Is there a way to keep college rule lines and have the A4 paper boundaries? I have started a new page with college rule and applied the macro but the rule lines disappear. If I run the macro and then select college rule, the print lines disappear...
reza - 2023-06-21
Even when rule lines are on first it still removes the grid lines,