Add icon to all emails

This macro will change the title of each page in the current section to add an email emoji to the beginning (unless it already has one). This has been made specifically for emails sent to OneNote from Outlook. Great from seeing all emails in a section at a glance.


Author(s) : John Johnson
Category : EMail
Last Updated : April 30, 2017
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Screenshot :

Add icon to all emails

This Macro will add an email icon to all emails. Please note that since this macro affects all pages within a Section, it cannot be undone. It will not affect Pages that do not follow the Outlook Email format. To Cancel this Macro, click on the red box in the upper right of this window.
Changelog :

April 30, 2017 (68680E) - John Johnson
Initial Version


Onetastic user - 2017-12-01
I would like to see the icon plus one space added to the page title. I like the icon, but without the space, the title is a little hard to read.