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Data Types






Last updated on: February 02, 2025
Also available as a single HTML file

Onetastic Macro Documentation > Page Objects > Text

Text Object


Represents a range of text.

Hierarchical Structure

Text objects can be found under following objects: Paragraph

Creating Text Objects

Text objects can be inserted directly under following objects: Paragraph


Name Type Access Description
bold Bool read-write Whether this Text is bold or not.
endIndex Numeric read-only The number of characters before the end of this Text in the paragraph.
fontColor Color read-write Color of this Text.
fontName String read-write Name of the font face for this Text.
fontSize Numeric read-write Size of the font for this Text.
highlightColor Color read-write Highlight color of this Text.
hyperlink String read-write The hyperlink of this Text (user would navigate to this hyperlink when clicking on this Text).
italic Bool read-write Whether this Text is italicized or not.
lang String read-write The language in which this Text is written in.
selected Bool read-write Whether this Text is selected or not.
startIndex Numeric read-only The number of characters before this Text in the containing paragraph. The first Text will start with index 0 and each character will be counted as 1.
strikethrough Bool read-write Whether this Text is striked through or not.
supersub SuperSub read-write Whether this Text is subscript/superscript or not.
type ObjectType read-only Type of this object. Always has the value of "Text".
underline Bool read-write Whether this Text is underlined or not.
value String read-write The text itself.



Hierarchy Objects

Page Objects

Other Objects


Array Functions

Color Functions

Data Store Functions

Date/Time Functions

Dialog Box Functions

File System Functions

Macro Execution Functions

Macro Menu Functions

Object Functions

Special Functions

String Functions

Window Functions