macroland Macroland

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Sort Pages by Date
Sorts pages in current section or notebook by created or last modified date
Resize all Images on Page to One Standard Width
Resizes all images on the current page to a standard width.
Insert Monthly Calendar
Inserts a calendar of the selected month and year
Horizontal list to vertical list
Converts an horizontally separated list (item1, item2, item3, etc.) to a vertical list (bulleted, to do or table). Horizontal separator is customizable (defaults to ", ", that is a comma and a space) and the first character of each individual item can be forced to uppercase. Table option is ideal when a comma separated list of words must be formatted to some sort of lexicon where the left column contains the items and the right column would contain the definitions as a blank column is automatically added to the right of the column of items.
Move Image Coordinates
Move to left or right by x units, and/or down or up by y units.
Outlook Meeting Date Stamp
This macro will change the creation date of each page in the current section with the time of the meeting, if the page contains meeting notes, allowing them to be sorted by the meeting date. This has been made specifically for meetings sent to OneNote from Outlook.
Where am I +
Inserts a breadcrumb showing where the current page is in the hieararchy of notebooks / section groups / sections / Parent Pages. Automatically removes the old breadcrumb.
Insert Related Page Links by Title Match
Insert Related Page Links by Title Match. Used for Trading Journal to insert the past trades of the ticker on the current page.
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