Window Manager

Save sets of OneNote windows and reopen them later


Author(s) : Onetastic ★
Category : Windows
Last Updated : July 08, 2024
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Watch this short video to learn more about this macro
Screenshot :

Window Manager

Saved Windows
You can save the currently open set of windows to be opened later, or you can open one of the previously saved set of windows.
Changelog :

July 08, 2024 (96EC8E) - Onetastic ★
Sorted window sets alphabetically and improved delete UI to show 10 window sets at a time

February 19, 2023 (EBEB84) - Onetastic ★
Fixed an issue when macro is run without any parameters

February 18, 2023 (618F7C) - Onetastic ★
Fixed minor bugs

February 18, 2023 (B186C7) - Onetastic ★
Initial Version


Onetastic ★ - 2024-09-04
picobar: This problem is fixed in the latest version of Onetastic, which will preserve the existing window sets when the macro is updated
picobar - 2024-08-07
Existing window sets are lost when upgrading to version 96EC8E
Onetastic ★ - 2024-07-08
Mr Amreek Sachdev: Updated the macro to sort windows sets alphabetically. Also improved the management of window sets when there are many of them to show them 10 at a time to delete