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Finding and modifying objects

Creating new page content

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Data Types






Last updated on: September 02, 2024
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Onetastic Macro Documentation > Concepts > Functions


Functions in macros are similar to the same concept in other programming languages. They take one or more parameters and return a single value (or no value). They can be used to retrieve objects, manipulate strings, dates, arrays, create and display dialog boxes and control the macro execution.

Following is an example usage of String_Length and GetCurrentPage functions to obtain the length of the title of the current page:

$length = String_Length(GetCurrentPage().name)

Below is the list of all available built-in functions:

User Defined Functions

You can also define your own functions with parameters and return value. You can decide whether the paremeters are passed by reference or by value using the byref keyword. For pass-by-value, a copy of the argument is passed as the parameter. For pass-by-reference, a reference to the argument is passed and the function can modify the caller's argument. Objects are always passed by reference regardless of whether the parameter was decorated by byref or not.

function GetImagesInPage($page, byref $imagesInOutline, byref $imagesOnPage) // Function takes a page and adds the images in this page in the byref parameters // It returns a Bool indicating whether it found any images or not $images = QueryObjects("Image", $page) foreach ($image in $images) if (GetParentOfType($image, "Page", $parentPage)) Array_PushBack($imagesInOutline, $image) else Array_PushBack($imagesOnPage, $image) return Array_Length($images) > 0
// Get images in the current page $imagesInOutline = Array() $imagesOnPage = Array() if (GetImagesInPage(GetCurrentPage(), $imagesInOutline, $imagesOnPage)) // We found some images...



Hierarchy Objects

Page Objects

Other Objects


Array Functions

Color Functions

Data Store Functions

Date/Time Functions

Dialog Box Functions

Macro Execution Functions

Macro Menu Functions

Object Functions

Special Functions

String Functions

Window Functions