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Last updated on: September 02, 2024
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Onetastic Macro Documentation > Hierarchy Objects > SectionGroup

SectionGroup Object


Represents a section group in OneNote. The current SectionGroup can be obtained by calling GetCurrentSectionGroup function.

Hierarchical Structure

SectionGroup objects can be found under following objects: Notebook SectionGroup

SectionGroup objects can contain following objects: SectionGroup Section

Creating SectionGroup Objects

SectionGroup objects can be inserted directly under following objects: Notebook SectionGroup


Name Type Access Description
hyperlink String read-only A hyperlink that points to this SectionGroup.
id String read-only The unique identifier of this SectionGroup.
isCurrentlyViewed Bool read-only Whether this SectionGroup is currently being viewed by the user in OneNote or not.
isInRecycleBin Bool read-only Whether this SectionGroup is in the notebook recycle bin or not. Filter by this property if you want to exclude SectionGroups in recycle bin.
isRecycleBin Bool read-only Whether this SectionGroup is the recycle bin for the notebook.
isUnread Bool read-write Whether this SectionGroup is unread or not.
lastModifiedTime DateTime read-write The date and time of the last modification to this SectionGroup.
name String read-write The name of this SectionGroup.
path String read-only The physical file path of this SectionGroup.
sectionCount Numeric read-only The number of sections in this SectionGroup.
sectionGroupCount Numeric read-only The number of section groups in this SectionGroup.
sectionGroups Array<SectionGroup> read-only The list of section groups directly in this SectionGroup.
sections Array<Section> read-only The list of sections directly in this SectionGroup.
type ObjectType read-only Type of this object. Always has the value of "SectionGroup".



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