Onetastic Macro Documentation >
Operators Operators
Macro expressions can contain several different operators. They can be used for
assignments, comparisons, arithmetic or logical operations and string concatenations.
Following is a list of all the operators. Operators can be operating on one (unary), two
(binary) or three (ternary) sub expressions:
Arithmetic Operators |
Operator | Name | Type |
+ | Addition | binary |
– | Subtraction | binary |
* | Multiplication | binary |
/ | Division | binary |
% | Modulo | binary |
– | Unary Minus | unary |
+ | Unary Plus | unary |
Increment/Decrement Operators |
Operator | Name | Type |
++$v | Pre-Increment | unary |
––$v | Pre-Decrement | unary |
$v++ | Post-Increment | unary |
$v–– | Post-Decrement | unary |
Assignment Operators |
Operator | Name | Type |
= | Assignment | binary |
+= | Addition Assignment | binary |
–= | Subtraction Assignment | binary |
*= | Multiplication Assignment | binary |
/= | Division Assignment | binary |
%= | Modulo Assignment | binary |
&&= | Logical And Assignment | binary |
||= | Logical Or Assignment | binary |
&= | Concatenation Assignment | binary |
Comparison Operators |
Operator | Name | Type |
== | Equals | binary |
!= | Not Equals | binary |
< | Less Than | binary |
<= | Less Than or Equals | binary |
> | Greater Than | binary |
>= | Greater Than or Equals | binary |
Logical Operators |
Operator | Name | Type |
&& | Logical And | binary |
|| | Logical Or | binary |
! | Logical Not | unary |
String Concatenation Operator |
Operator | Name | Type |
& | Concatenation | binary |
Ternary Operator |
Operator | Name | Type |
?: | Ternary Operator | ternary |
Operator Precedence
In macro expressions, following operator precedence rules apply. The order of operations
can be changed by providing parantheses.
Precedence | Category | Operators |
1 | Increment/Decrement | ++ | –– | | | | | | | |
2 | Unary | ! | – | + | | | | | | |
3 | Product | * | / | % | | | | | | |
4 | Sum & Concatenation | + | – | & | | | | | | |
5 | Comparison | == | != | < | <= | > | >= | | | |
6 | Logical And | && | | | | | | | | |
7 | Logical Or | || | | | | | | | | |
8 | Ternary | ?: | | | | | | | | |
9 | Assignment | = | += | –= | *= | /= | %= | &&= | ||= | &= |
Note: Assignments are evaluated right to left