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Last updated on: February 02, 2025
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Onetastic Macro Documentation > How To > Storing persistent data

Storing persistent data

You can store and retrieve data for a particular macro on the local computer by using the LocalStore_Write and LocalStore_Read functions. The data stored by LocalStore_Write can be read back on a separate execution of the same macro, allowing data to be persisted accross multiple executions. Data cannot be shared between different macros.

Improving dialog boxes with persistent data

One very useful way to use persistent data is to store and remember user input for subsequent executions of a macro. For instance Search & Replace macro remembers the values user entered in the dialog box so that it can present those same values when the user runs the macro again. Similarly settings in a macro, like which day of the week the calendar should start for Insert Monthly Calendar macro, can be stored and retrieved.
// Check if we have values stored from a previous run // If so, we will use them as initial values of dialogbox controls if (!LocalStore_Read("LastSearch", $Search)) $Search = "" if (!LocalStore_Read("LastReplace", $Replace)) $Replace = "" if (!LocalStore_Read("LastScope", $Scope)) $Scope = "Current section" if (!LocalStore_Read("LastMatchCase", $MatchCase)) $MatchCase = false // Create a new dialog box $dialog_box = DialogBox_Create("") // Now add some controls DialogBox_AddTextBox($dialog_box, "&Find what", "Search", $LastSearch, false) DialogBox_AddTextBox($dialog_box, "&Replace with", "Replace", $LastReplace, true) $Options = Array("Current page", "Current section", "Current notebook") DialogBox_AddDropDown($dialog_box, "&Scope", "Scope", $LastScope, $Options) DialogBox_AddCheckBox($dialog_box, "Match &case", "MatchCase", $LastMatchCase) // Now show the dialog box DialogBox_Show($dialog_box) // We can now use the values for the controls using $dialog_box.controls $Search = $dialog_box.controls["Search"] $Replace = $dialog_box.controls["Replace"] $Scope = $dialog_box.controls["Scope"] $MatchCase = $dialog_box.controls["MatchCase"] // Now store these values so that we can read them back in a subsequent run LocalStore_Write("LastSearch", $Search) LocalStore_Write("LastReplace", $Replace) LocalStore_Write("LastScope", $Scope) LocalStore_Write("LastMatchCase", $MatchCase)



Hierarchy Objects

Page Objects

Other Objects


Array Functions

Color Functions

Data Store Functions

Date/Time Functions

Dialog Box Functions

File System Functions

Macro Execution Functions

Macro Menu Functions

Object Functions

Special Functions

String Functions

Window Functions