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Last updated on: September 02, 2024
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Onetastic Macro Documentation > How To > Finding and modifying objects

Finding and modifying objects

Macros typically work by finding objects in OneNote and modifying their properties. There are several functions that provide direct access to notebooks, sections and pages in OneNote as well as provide ability to search through them. Following macro demonstrates these functions:

// Functions to get the current page, section, section group or notebook $CurrentPage = GetCurrentPage() $CurrentSection = GetCurrentSection() $CurrentSectionGroup = GetCurrentSectionGroup() $CurrentNotebook = GetCurrentNotebook() // You can also access the notebook root which stores all the notebooks $NotebookRoot = GetNotebookRoot() // If you want to search some objects, you can do so $Images = QueryObjects("Image", $CurrentPage) // You can also search text // Case sensitive $AllInstancesOfTheWordOnetastic = QueryText($CurrentPage, "Onetastic", true) // Case insensitive $AllInstancesOfTheWordOnetastic = QueryText($CurrentPage, "Onetastic", false) // Once you have an object, you can go up to find its parent or ancestors $FirstOnetastic = $AllInstancesOfTheWordOnetastic[0] if (GetParentOfType($FirstOnetastic, "Paragraph", $ParentParagraph)) // Found the parent paragraph if (GetAncestorOfType($FirstOnetastic, "Notebook", $ContainingNotebook)) // Found the containing notebook

Accessing object properties

To read or modify properties of objects, you can use the property accessor operator (.).

// Get the name of the current section $Name = GetCurrentPage().name // Modify the section name and color $CurrentSection = GetCurrentSection() $CurrentSection.name = "new name" $CurrentSection.color = "yellow" // Get the second section in the first notebook $Section = GetNotebookRoot().notebooks[0].sections[1]



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Page Objects

Other Objects


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