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Last updated on: September 02, 2024
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Onetastic Macro Documentation > Functions > String Functions > String_FindLast


Finds the last occurence of a search string in an input string. Returns true if the string was found and the offset it was found at, false otherwise.


Bool String_FindLast(
	String string, 
	String search, 
	Numeric offset, 
	Bool ignorecase, 
	out Numeric foundAt)


String string
String to search in.
String search
The substring to search for.
Numeric offset
Offset of the input string to start search from. If positive, search will only look at this number of characters at the beginning of the string. If negative, the search will not include this number of characters at the end of the string. If zero, the search will include the whole string.
Bool ignorecase
Ignores the case of the strings if set to true.
out Numeric foundAt
If the search string is found, the offset of the last occurence is stored in this variable.


// 1 2 3 4 // 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890 $string = "a4 b6 c5 4a b6 d5 f6 d7 e4 b6 c2 56 d4 5a" // ^ ^ ^ // Instances of b6 are marked with ^ // Find last instance String_FindLast($string, "b6", 0, false, $foundAt) // Returns true, $foundAt is 27 // Find last instance within the first 20 characters String_FindLast($string, "b6", 20, false, $foundAt) // Returns true, $foundAt is 12 // Find last instance skipping the last 30 characters String_FindLast($string, "b6", -30, false, $foundAt) // Returns true, $foundAt is 3 // Not found String_FindLast($string, "f9", 0, false, $foundAt) // Returns false, $foundAt is not modified // case Sensitive String_FindLast("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "The", 0, false, $foundAt) // Returns true, $foundAt is 0 // case Insensitive String_FindLast("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "The", 0, true, $foundAt) // Returns true, $foundAt is 31



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