How to Report Macro Issues

If a macro results in an error or doesn't do what you expect it to do, you can collect logs and send them to our support e-mail address for investigation.

Collecting Macro Logs

To collect macro logs, click on Tools and Settings > Enable Macro Logging.

Enable Macro Logging button

This will display the Macro Logging dialog box:

Macro Logging dialog box

Keep this dialog box open and then run the macro you are having issues with to reproduce the problem. When you execute a macro while the Macro Logging dialog is open, it will automatically collect logs from the macro.

Once you are done with the macro button will become enabled. Make sure to close all error messages or dialog boxes that the macro displays before saving logs.

Log Contents

Macro logging will collect enough information to reproduce the issues. This includes contents of the pages or sections in OneNote that the macro worked on. For instance if you used Search & Replace macro in a section, the macro will have to read the contents of all pages in the section and logs will contain all that content. Keep that in mind when sending these logs to avoid sending sensitive or private information.

When you click on it will display a summary of what data it have collected:

Macro Logging info dialog

Sending Logs

After saving the logs to your computer, send it as an attachment to Explain what you expected the macro to do and what you got instead.

If your question isn't answered, send an e-mail to