How to Transfer Macros from One Computer to Another

If you have downloaded and/or modified a set of macros on a computer for your needs and you have another computer that you want to have the same set of macros, you can easily transfer them from one computer to the other.

To do so first locate the macros2.xml file on the first computer:

  1. On the first computer, make sure OneNote is not running
  2. Press Win + R and type %appdata%\onetasticWin+Run
  3. Copy macros2.xml to a USB stick or another medium that you can transfer to the other computerCopy to USB

This file contains all your macros as they exist on the first computer. Now all you need to do is to copy it to the same location on the second computer.

  1. On the second computer, make sure OneNote is not running
  2. Press Win + R and type %appdata%\onetasticWin+Run
  3. Copy the macros2.xml from the USB stick to this folderCopy from USB
  4. Choose to overwrite it if prompted
  5. Start OneNote
You should now have all your macros copied to the second computer.

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