Import folder hierarchies into section groups and sections

August 31, 2024

With the latest update, Onetastic Batch File Import can now import folder hierarchies into section groups and sections in OneNote. Prior to this update, Batch File Import would import all files into a single page or a single section, depending on the import settings.

Now you can select two other import modes through Advanced Settings option:

Advanced Options

The first option is the previous behavior where all files are imported into a single section. With the two new modes you can create sections or section groups to represent folders you are importing. Here is an example:

Files being imported Import all files into
a single section
Create a new section for
each imported top level folder
Create section group hierarcy
to reflect the folder hierarchy
pdfInvoice 1.pdf
pdfInvoice 2.pdf
pdfInvoice 1.pdf
pdfInvoice 2.pdf
pagePage: Invoices
pageSubpage: 2023
pageInvoice 1.pdf
pageInvoice 2.pdf
pageSubpage: 2024
pageInvoice 1.pdf
pageInvoice 2.pdf
sectionSection: Invoices
pagePage: 2023
pageInvoice 1.pdf
pageInvoice 2.pdf
pagePage: 2024
pageInvoice 1.pdf
pageInvoice 2.pdf
sectionGroupSection Group: Invoices
sectionSection: 2023
pageInvoice 1.pdf
pageInvoice 2.pdf
sectionSection: 2024
pageInvoice 1.pdf
pageInvoice 2.pdf
pdfReceipt 1.pdf
pdfReceipt 2.pdf
pagePage: Receipts
pageReceipt 1.pdf
pageReceipt 2.pdf
sectionSection: Receipts
pageReceipt 1.pdf
pageReceipt 2.pdf
sectionSection: Receipts
pageReceipt 1.pdf
pageReceipt 2.pdf

As in this example, the first option will create page/subpage hierarchy for all your files in the same target section. The second option will create a section for each top level folder and the subfolders and files still are created as page/subpage hierarchy, while the third option creates a section for each folder that contains files, and the parent folders are reflected as section groups (e.g. Invoices).

These new options can be very useful if you have exported content from other note-taking apps which may come in the form of a folder hierarchy to represent your note organization and files to represent the individual notes. Similarly, if you have files organized using a folder hierarchy in your disk, these options may come in handy. By importing whole folder hierarchies, you can keep your organization and structure in OneNote.

Enjoy these updates and let us know if you have any issues or questions.


Tony - 2024-09-09
Interesting and can't wait to give it a go with some of my archive files...
jd - 2024-09-08
kewl!  thanks a bunch!
Kelly - 2024-09-06

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