Creates a new page with a category index at the top where each category is a hyperlink to sections below. Categories are comma delimited lists of strings (i.e "A,B,C,D,E", "Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday", "⭐,⚡,❓", etc.).
An index page can serve as a repository for notes that need to be filed by category.
Horizontal list to vertical list
Converts an horizontally separated list (item1, item2, item3, etc.) to a vertical list (bulleted, to do or table). Horizontal separator is customizable (defaults to ", ", that is a comma and a space) and the first character of each individual item can be forced to uppercase. Table option is ideal when a comma separated list of words must be formatted to some sort of lexicon where the left column contains the items and the right column would contain the definitions as a blank column is automatically added to the right of the column of items.