Align and Space

Left-aligns and vertically spaces the selected outlines. Change the padding value to control spacing between outlines.


Author(s) : Steve Goodwin
Category : Formatting
Last Updated : June 28, 2016
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Changelog :

June 28, 2016 (00E05B) - Steve Goodwin
Updated Category

June 28, 2016 (C820CC) - Steve Goodwin
Initial version


Omer Atay - 2017-05-03
Dan: You could use InsertObject to insert paragraphs at the end of outline 1 and copy the text from each paragraph in outline 2. Then you can remove outline2 by setting its .text = ""
Dan - 2017-05-03
Hi Omer,
if i have 2 outlines on a page  - I want to COMBINE the content of both outlines into 1 outline
Mainoutline = outline 1 + outline 2
Omer Atay - 2017-05-02
Dan: What do you mean by merge 2 outlines.