Team Activity Tracker

We use OneNote as an activity tracker for my small team of IT Support techs. Each day has its own page, with a table for tracking our work. Each month is its own section, and each year is a section group. This Macro allows me to create an entire year's worth of blank pages in about 5 minutes. I know there's more that could be done to improve it, but I havent the time. Feel free to use or edit this in any way that suits you. Thanks to Omer for a fantastic product, and great support!


Author(s) : ddrummer68
Category : Calendar
Last Updated : December 01, 2016
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Screenshot :

Team Activity Tracker

Which Month?
On which weekday does the 1st fall?
Which year?
How many days in this month?
Changelog :

December 01, 2016 (2C140D) - ddrummer68
Initial Version

