
Auto-fills selected table cells using data from the first few selected cells


Author(s) : Onetastic ★
Category : Table
Last Updated : November 19, 2022
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Watch this short video to learn more about this macro
Changelog :

November 19, 2022 (AC7CA7) - Onetastic ★
Now supports incrementing or decrementing number patterns as well as days of the week and months of the year

June 20, 2016 (8FBECD) - Onetastic ★
Re-written with the new Macro Language to take advantage of cleaner syntax and performance improvements

These versions are no longer supported:

March 09, 2013 - Onetastic ★
Initial version


dennis_uk - 2017-05-12
I'm with @Neil H:
<i>What would useful to me is if auto-fill incremented the number or alpha character as it filled down. So if you put a 1 in the top cell in a column and then clicked auto fill the cell below would have a 2 in it and a 3 in the one below that etc.</i>
dennis_uk - 2017-05-12
I'm with @Neil H:
<i>What would useful to me is if auto-fill incremented the number or alpha character as it filled down. So if you put a 1 in the top cell in a column and then clicked auto fill the cell below would have a 2 in it and a 3 in the one below that etc.</i>
Dan - 2017-02-27

Hello Omer,

I made it work

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Macro name="TABLE - Font Size  - Column 3 Only">
  <Comment text="----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
  <Comment text="Change the Font Size in Table Column " />
  <Comment text="----------------------------------------------------------------------------------" />
  <ForEach var="table">
    <Array>QueryObjects("Table", GetCurrentPage())</Array>
  <ForEach var="cell">
    <Array>QueryObjects("Cell", $table)</Array>
      <Condition>$cell.colIndex == 2</Condition>
      <Expression>$cell.paragraphs[0].alignment = "right"</Expression>
      <Expression>$cell.paragraphs[0].fontSize = 8</Expression>
