Resize and space

Resizes images and printouts and spaces them out by the specified amount. Useful for slide images.


Author(s) : DavidGriwoldHH
Category : Image
Last Updated : June 19, 2016
Requirements : OneNote 2010 or above
Screenshot :

Resize and space

Enter the size of the image as a percentage of the original size (e.g. Enter 50 for 50%)
Spacing distance
Changelog :

June 19, 2016 (D2B5A5) - DavidGriwoldHH
Automatically upgraded to the new Macro Language

These versions are no longer supported:

February 09, 2015 - DavidGriwoldHH
Initial version


Christy - 2017-09-20
I get white lines through printouts after this maco and it can be really distracting. Any ideas why this might be happening and what I can do to prevent/fix it?
stratzvyda - 2016-08-16
Works great!  Thanks, you saved my ass, had to insert a 70 page pdf into microsoft word, and this was the only way i could get it to work after trying everything else.
User123 - 2016-02-29
It is resizing the images but not removing spaces.
I tried modifying it. But no use. Please help.