Text to Code: Python

Convert selected text into PythonCodeStyle. 将文本转换为Python代码风格。


Author(s) : xpphoenixj
Category : Code
Last Updated : June 14, 2019
Requirements : OneNote 2013 or above
Screenshot :

Text to Code: Python

~ value decided at runtime ~
~ value decided at runtime ~
Changelog :

June 14, 2019 (014F94) - xpphoenixj
Bug fixed: Error when quotes appear after two or more consecutive backslashes

June 04, 2019 (2E7F6A) - xpphoenixj
01. Deal with indent properly 02. Can select multiple pieces of paragraph(s)/table(s) 01. 正确处理缩进了 02. 能选择多个表格/段落了

May 31, 2019 (98EEDD) - xpphoenixj
Version 1.0.1 1. All long modules are packaged as functions 2. Methods included 3. Max code column width set to 525 4. A few bugs fixed

May 26, 2019 (1D2703) - xpphoenixj
Initial Version


JJ - 2020-09-05
Why does this macro automatically add spacing between each line in my notebook??